Chapter 49 Extreme Rules

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Austin's POV

Tonight is the night that we make the Wyatts pay for all of their sins. I trust that Punk won't stab me in the back for at least one night. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on Wyatt again, I just doubt that it will be easy. My mother, my father and my sister Krista are ringside for this match. And Punk's mother and sister are also there. 

We were both out there and we were waiting for The Wyatts to make their appearance. The lights went out and when they went back on, The Wyatts were on the apron. I shrugged at Punk and went right after Bray. But the numbers game caught up to us really quickly. We were down for a little bit, and Bray went out towards Punk's sister. I quickly got up and jumped over the top rope and took all of the down with a tope suicide. I got back up and checked on her. "You ok?" She quickly nodded. I then went under the ring and got a kendo stick. I swung it at Luke Harper and broke it over his body. He was down and out for a little bit so we were able to focus on Bray and Rowan. I got a table out while Punk was on top of things with Wyatt and Rowan. I threw the table in the ring and allowed Punk to set it up while I took the fight to Bray and Rowan. Punk got the table set up and I hit Rowan with a spinebuster through the table. And it was face to face with Bray Wyatt for me. But before I could do anything, Luke Harper came in and hit me in the back with a sledgehammer. Bray then went into the crowd and grabbed my sister and put his hand around her throat.

Krista's POV

After my brother and Punk got hit in the back with a sledgehammer, Bray Wyatt came and pulled me over the barricade and put his hand around my throat. "You're going to watch them get destroyed." He said through his teeth. Austin saw that and tried to get to me but Erik Rowan came in and hit him in the back with a kendo stick. He screamed out in pain. He kept getting hit with it and after a while he stopped screaming and just took it. Luke then hit him with a discus clothesline and he got the win. Bray laughed. "You're coming with us." He then threw me over his shoulder kicking and screaming. 

Austin's POV

I woke up to my mom and dad screaming. I quickly jumped out of the ring. "What the fuck happened?" "That creepy fucker got Krista!!" My dad screamed at me. "Let's go backstage I'm going to find this fucker." They nodded and we went back there.

I left my mom and dad back at the locker room and went up to Bray Wyatt's locker room. I kicked the door open and it was deserted. "FUCK!" Sasha ran up after that. "Austin what's wrong?" "He's gone. He, he, he, kidnapped my fucking sister!" I said. I hugged her after that. "We have to get back to my locker room." She nodded.

"What happened?" My mom asked me when I got back. "He's gone. The bastard is gone." "FUCK!" My dad screamed. "Calm the fuck down Mike. We'll find her." Punk said. "I'm not going to calm down until we find my daughter!" He screamed back at him. I sighed. "We will find her, and then I'm done." With that I took Sasha's hand and walked out of the room.

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