Chapter 41 Tables Ladders and Chairs

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Austin's POV

Today is the day that I take back the WWE championship from Seth Rollins. It's twenty minutes from showtime and Ambrose and Reigns came up to me to give me a pep talk. By the end of that pep talk I'm ready to kick ass. I also told them to stay in the back. I don't want them to think that they have to win the title for me because of the stipulation of the match. I want to win this match by myself. Seth Rollins was already out there with his championship on his shoulder when I heard The Shield's music start to play. I walked down through the crowd. I hopped over the barricade and jumped into the ring. JoJo climbed into the ring to do the announcements. "This next match is the Tables Ladders and Chairs match, and it is for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, from Milwaukee Wisconsin, weighing in at 245 pounds, Austin Thomas! Introducing next, from Davenport Iowa, weighing in at 217 pounds, he is the current WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Seth Rollins!" Seth then handed the ref the belt and the ref hung it and sent it into the air. The bell rung and we just stood there staring at each other for a good ten seconds. He made the first move trying to punch me but I ducked and got him into the corner and hit him with wicked jabs in the ribs. I then ran to the other corner and ran back at him and hit him with a stinger splash. He was dazed but he was still on his feet. I then hit him with a jumping DDT. I then went outside of the ring to go get the toys. I threw a ladder into the ring, followed by a few steel chairs, followed by two tables. I then set up a ladder and both of the tables and put them on top of each other. But when I turned around Rollins cracked me in the head with one of the chairs. That cut me open. He then started to work on the wound and I started bleeding profusely. Rollins then set the ladder up, and attempted to climb it but I pushed the ladder down and he fell hard. I then went on top of him and started punching him endless amount of times. I then threw him out of the ring and caught my breath. I the bounced off the ropes and tried to hit him with a suicide dive but he side stepped me and I went head first into the front of the announce table. It knocked me out for a few seconds. But then I looked in the ring and saw that Seth was slowly making his way up the ladder. I rushed back into the ring and met him at the top of the ladder. There were two tables by the ladder. We started fist fighting on top of a twelve foot ladder. I hit him with a wicked jab that dazed him long enough for me to grab him and hit him with a swinging neckbreaker off the ladder and through both tables. Seth was knocked out after that. It took me a few minutes but I finally got back up to my feet and started to slowly go up the ladder. But then I was taken off of the ladder by somebody and hit with a powerbomb off the ladder. I couldn't get a good look at who it was, but the next thing I know there is a chair around my neck and I'm being hit with a twist of fate. I'm coughing up blood at this point. Next thing I know the bell rings signifying the end of the match. Then some piano music started to play. Now I know who this is. Broken Matt Hardy. He started to say "delete" a whole bunch of times starting a chant. I then get up to see Triple H staring at me. He then smirked. I can't believe this happened. The one night that I actually need to win a match, Matt Hardy screws me over. And now, The Shield is apart of the Authority. 

I got to the back and I saw that I had gotten a text from April. "I know you're competing right now, just give me a call when you get back." I dialed her number and called it. "Hello?" "What's up Ape?" She sighed. I can tell that she was debating on wether or not to tell me something. "So I thought it would be nice if I surprised Phil at his hotel because he had the day off tonight." "Ok?" "Then I found him in bed with someone." "That's it. I'm going to go kick his ass." "Austin please don't. I can handle it." "He hurt you for the last goddamn time. You said he's back at the hotel?" "Yes, but Austin I don't want you to do something you will regret. You have a bright future ahead of you. I'm ok I promise." "AJ, I know you. You're not ok." "Yes I-I am." I sighed. "I'm not going to let that douchebag get away with this." "I saw the match too. I don't want you to get hurt." "Don't worry about me. Now, I'm going to go kick his ass. Call Ambrose or Roman. Have them come pick you up from wherever you are." "Ok. Just be careful." "No problem. I'll be ok, I love you way to much to let something like that slide. I'll see you later." Just then Sasha came in. "Who was that?" "That was AJ. She said that she caught Punk cheating on her, so I got to go kick his ass, I'll probably call you from jail." "Not with this again." "You're not going to talk me out of this. Now I'm going back to the hotel just get a ride back with Roman and Dean." She nodded. I kissed her on the lips. "I'll be back in an hour or so. Hopefully." She nodded and I got all of my stuff together and left. 

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