Chapter 54 Payback Aftermath

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Ausin's POV

We are at the hospital after that brutal I quit match and they won't let me leave. I'm getting super pissed off. I hate hospitals. Roman, Dean, Seth, Becky, and Bayley will be here in a little bit. They already cleaned me up and I feel fine, but they still won't let me leave. 

Roman walked in with a little kid who I assume is his daughter. "Who's this Ro?" "This is my daughter, Joelle. We call her JoJo though." "Hi I'm Austin." I said shaking her hand. Soon after, everyone else got there. After a while, Becky got a sick look on her face and ran to the bathroom. We heard her puking and I'm getting kind of worried about her. "You alright Beck?" "I don't know. The sickness has been worst in the morning. I'm getting kind of scared too. I'm late for my period." "Oh shit." I whispered "Did you do a test yet?" "I'm going to. This is going to f up everything if I get pregnant now." "Whatever you need Becky, I'm here for you." "Me too." Sasha and Bayley said. Just then the doctor came in. "Am I good to go doc?" I asked. "Yeah, just sign these papers and you're good to go. And also before you go.. If my daughter finds out that you were here and I didn't get her an autograph I will be in trouble. Would you mind if I asked you to sign something for her? " "Sure man." I signed the picture and the papers  and we were on our way out.

I got woken up at about three AM by a call from Becky. "What's going on Becky?" She sniffled and then spoke. "Can you come over for a little bit?" "Sure. I'll be over in less than two minutes." I got to her door and knocked on it. It swung open to reveal a pretty sad Becky. It looked like she had been crying. "What's going on?" "I did what you said and took a pregnacy test, and it was positive. I told my boyfriend that I'm pregnant and he dumped me. I don't want to go through this alone, I'm really scared Austin." She said hugging me and laying her head on my shoulder. I put two fingers under her chin and made her look at me. "You're not going to go through this alone alright? Bayley, Sasha, and I all have your back. We will take care of you." She nodded and we went to her couch to sit down. I let her put her feet up on my lap and we just talked until she fell asleep. I picked her up bridal style and took her into her bedroom and layed her down and tucked her in. I kissed her on the forehead and left the room. I have barely slept tonight and it is six AM so I'm going to have to wrestle on only a couple of hours of sleep. Yes I'm going to wrestle. I called Shane after I got cleaned up at the hospital and he agreed to let me have my rematch tonight on Raw. I'm looking forward to it.

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