Chapter 103

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Bayley's POV

We got in for Smackdown Live and Austin took a call. "Hey AJ. Really? Are you sure? Listen, I'm not going to tell you what to do alright? If you're so sure about it, go for it. Yeah, I won't lie I'm nervous about it, but you deserve to be happy AJ. Just make sure he knows that if he hurts you again, he's going to get way worse than he got last time. Yeah, I love you too." He said as he hung up. He then sighed."What's up with AJ?" I asked already knowing the answer. "She said she's going to give her and Punk another try. I didn't want to tell her this but I don't trust that asshole. I've known him for fifteen years, I don't know this Phil Brooks. Either he's doing this to spite me, or he actually wants to patch things up with AJ. I guess time will tell."

Austin's POV

James Storm led off the show tonight with a mic in hand. "I have a lot of people that I am crediting for my success. First of all, every single one of you. You guys have been my main supporters since I first walked in the door in NXT and for that I thank you. But there's one man in the back that has been my best friend since that very day that I arrived at NXT, and he has also been one of my biggest supporters. And I'd like to bring him out right now. Ladies and gentleman please welcome the no BS taking, money making, beer drinking, he will punch you in the face and not think twice about it. And he's my best friend. Please welcome Austin Thomas!" I couldn't help but smirk at that introduction. They played my music, I grabbed a mic and I walked down. "Thank you for that great introduction Storm, but all of those things that you used to describe me, could also be used to describe yourself." I said smirking. He smirked back. "Listen man, the reason why I called you out here, is because of this." He said pointing at the title that was around his waist. "The last time you competed for this title, you were defending it. And you lost." I gave him a weird look and he continued. "Bro, let me finish. You never got your rightful rematch for the WWE championship, so I think it's only fair that I give you the first shot at this thing that I call a belt buckle here." He said smiling as he stuck his hand out for me to shake. I shook it and I held the mic up to my lips again. Before I could say anything I heard Bobby Roode's music start playing. "You know I should have seen this coming." He said as he got into the ring. "What the hell are you talking about jackass?" I heard Storm ask. "I still haven't gotten my rightful rematch for the title yet, and you're trying to give this kid who you have only known for a couple of years a title shot that he hasn't earned." "If you ask me, he more than earned it. This kid right here, has guts. He stepped into the ring for an inferno match just two days ago, and if you ask me, that should've been enough for him to earn your respect. Not to mention him jumping off the cell and the titantron." I smiled at that. "Roode I got a question. Are you telling me that your family tree is more like a family cactus because everybody on it is a prick?" I asked. Storm laughed. "Nailed it." "You just crossed the line." Roode said obviously pissed off. "I crossed the line did I? Well guess what. I'm a habitual line stepper. It's what I do. The only things that I'm good at is wrestling and pissing people off. But you know what I hate even more than you? People handing stuff out to me that I haven't earned. So here's what we are going to do. Me and you are going to wrestle in a number one contenders match tonight, where the winner goes on to challenge The Cowboy next week for the WWE title." Shane then came out. "I think we just made a main event. Bobby Roode vs Austin Thomas and the winner will face James Storm next week for the WWE championship."

Bayley's POV

Austin got to the back so we could spend some time together before his match and of course his phone began to ring. He looked at me and I could tell he felt bad. "Take it." I said. He nodded. "Hello? Yes this is. Are you serious? Um can I call you back? I need to talk to a my boss and a few other people. Alright thanks." "Who was that?" "Believe it or not, that was the general manager for the Nationals. They want me to come play baseball for them." I got confused. "Remember when I played in the Celebrity Softball Game?" I nodded. "Well just for the hell of it I had them put me through various tests to see if I could ever actually make it as a baseball player and I guess the Nationals were impressed." "But why would they need you?" I asked. "I guess their center fielder went down with a torn ACL. And the fact that they started off the season at 2-14. They legitimately think that I can help their team." I went silent. I don't really know what to think about this."Even if Shane says I can actually do this, I want to get your opinion on it." "You don't have to ask my permission, Austin." I said. "Listen." He said grabbing my hand. "In my crazy, screwed up life right now, you are the most important thing in it. It's not wrestling and it's not baseball. It's you. I want to make sure that you'll be ok if I even think about accepting this offer. I'm paranoid and I want to make sure that you'll be safe." I blushed at his comment. But it's kind of weird. I've never had anyone care about me as much as he does. "I'm not going to tell you not to take this opportunity. I know that it has been a dream of yours along with wrestling. Austin, this is too good of an opportunity to pass up." He smiled. "Thank you pretty girl. I gotta go talk to Shane about this, I'll be right back." He said as he pressed his lips on the top of my head.

Austin's POV

I got to Shane's office and knocked on the door. Stone Cold was out this week. "What's up kid?" He asked as he let me in. "So this might be kind of hard to believe." I said as I sat down. "Remember when I played in the Celebrity Softball Game?" He nodded. "Well while I was down there for the hell of it I went through all kinds of major league workouts and tests. And I guess the Nationals were impressed. They offered me a contract to play Center Field for them this year." He thought for a second and then spoke. "I'm not going to tell you not to take it ok? So here's what we are going to do. If you want to you can take it. But you can only play for one year and then you're going to have to chose between wrestling and baseball." "Thank you Shane." "What are we going to do about the main event tonight?" "We can still do it. If I win Roode doesn't get it, if he wins he does. Whatever happens though after the match I'm going to need some mic time to say goodbye to the WWE Universe."

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