Chapter 16

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Austin's POV

My first Wrestlemania is less than a month away, and because of what Rusev did, Hunter already announced the United States championship match at Wrestlemania. I have a match with Roman tonight, we trained with Ambrose and Rollins. Ironically enough, Ambrose is facing Rollins in a match tonight. AJ decided not to come with us tonight, she is not feeling well. We are also about to go out for drinks after Smackdown taping tonight, which will be awesome. But we have to get our matches over with before we can do that. But before everything, I heard Sasha talking to someone. She sounded very annoyed. "Bray I am not Abigail! Leave me alone!" "You are Abigail. You just don't know it yet." I walked up. "Bray you talk to my girl again I will kick your ass you got it?" "You got anger Thomas. I'll give you that. I'll leave you alone. For now." He said with a creepy ass smirk on his face and walked away. When he was gone, she hugged me. "What the hell did he say to you?" "His usual creepy words. Just calling me Abigail." "Stay in my locker room today. I was supposed to go out for drinks with the guys but I'll call that off and we can rent a movie and spend the night together." She nodded and I kissed her on the nose. "Lock the door. I'll be back as soon as I can." She nodded and I hugged her and walked out.

I locked up with Roman and we talked a little bit. "Bray was talking to Sasha." I said as I has him in a side headlock. He got me in one of his own. "Really? About what?" He said as he took me down. "Just the usual crazy talk calling her Abigail." I said as I got him into the headscissors. "We'll talk about this more later. Let's finish the match." I nodded and we got out of our string of holds and I hit him with a dropkick. He got back up and I hit him with another one. I then hit him with a swinging neckbreaker and went to the top rope. I then hit him with a diving elbow drop. I got him back up and hit him with a german suplex. I went out on the apron, and tried to hit him with a springboard forearm, he hit me with a wicked superman punch in midair. He covered me but I kicked out at two. He went in the corner and howled, he tried to spear me, but I leapfrogged over him and he crashed into the steel post and I rolled him up but he kicked out at two. I measured and hit him with a codebreaker. I then went into the corner, and set up a spear of my own, but when I went for it, he sidestepped and I went shoulder first into the ringpost. While I was dazed he hit me with a superman punch. He then went into the corner and howled, and hit me with a wicked spear. 1....2....3... He got me up and shook my hand and then bro hugged me. He raised my hand. I got to admit, I half expected Bray to come into the ring by now, but he didn't. I got back to our locker room and I poked my head in the door. "You alright babe?" She smiled and nodded. "We're alright to go now. I told the guys and they completely understand. So let's go." I took her hand and we were off. She wanted to get a scary movie. I whined. "Why? I don't like being scared for now reason." "If you get scared you can hold my hand." She said smirking. "Good point. Fine get whatever you want." She smirked and kissed me on the cheek before running toward the Redbox. 

"That shit was so stupid." I said. "I don't know I kind of liked it." She said smirking as she checked her phone. Her smirk instantly turned to a frown. "What's wrong baby girl?" She showed me a text that she had gotten. It said "Abigail, eventually you will know where you belong. Follow the buzzards." I got pissed off. Real bad. "Promise me you will find me if you get another text like this." She nodded and I started pacing angrily. "He thinks he can threaten my girl and get away with it? No. No. No." "Austin baby calm down." "I'm calling Rollins, Reigns, and Ambrose. Make sure they know about this." She nodded. I got in a group call. "Hey guys. Bray is stalking Sasha now, can you keep an eye on her?" "No problem." Rollins said. "We'll protect her, kid." Reigns said. "Yeah. It's no problem to keep an eye on her. We all care about her." Ambrose said. "Thanks guys. I'll talk to you more about this later." We all said goodbye and hung up. Craziness is something we all have to have to be in this business, but Bray crossed the line. 

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