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Chapter 1

"Alright class," Mr. Arnold, my math teacher, lazily begins. "Today, I will be handing back those tests we took last week and I must say, most of the grades were terrible." He continues, rolling his eyes over my way.

Okay, so I'll admit, I'm not the sharpest knife in the kitchen, nor am I the smartest and I completely show it. Pretty much every test I take I get below a C- and I've started to not expect anything more. I'm not capable of those kind of grades.

People see me as the "good girl" but I was defiantly the opposite of good. I disobey everyone, couldn't give two flying fucks about school and love to live on the edge. Whenever someone uses that "good girl" stereotype on me, I just wanted to vomit all over them.

Although, I am your typical dirty blonde, blue eyed girl with those really dorky/hipster glasses to help my basically blindness, but other than that, under my skin, I wasn't anything like my appearance. I'm mostly shy and anti-social at school but anywhere else, I was reckless.

Mr. Arnold starts to pass out the tests while I'm mentally crossing my fingers for at least a C, but when he drops my paper the wooden surface of my desk, it says "F-". Welp, so much for finger crossing.

The paper has, written in red ink, See me after class, Miss Monroe.

This couldn't be good.

The dismissal bell for the class rang and I hurried for the door but a strong, masculine voice over the small chatters of the school caused me to wince. Dammit, I've been caught.

"Not so fast, Everly." Mr. Arnold crossed his arms looking quite upset.

I pout before dragging myself over to his desk.

"Oh! And Aries! A moment please?" Mr. Arnold called over to Ryland Aries, the bad boy/ man whore/ most cliche piece of shit ever, over to us.

No, no, no, please! I beg to myself, praying through my closed eyelids, revealing darkness. Not him, anyone but him. But crossing my fingers, begging and praying seem to give no help whatsoever.

I kind of figured that he called the bad boy over here to discuss terrible grades as well but oh my, how very wrong was I? Very.

"What's up, Coach?" Ryland asks almost emotionless.

Yeah, of course Ryland was the Baseball captain and of course Mr. Arnold was really "Coach" Arnold. Fml

"Aries, you're going to start tutoring Everly, here." I wince again at the sound of my name, feeling both the boys' stares on me.

Wait just a damn second...

Ryland? The bad boy? And did Mr. Arnold just say tutor?!

"No, no, Arnold. I don't need a damn tutor." I protest putting my hands up.

"Watch your mouth, Miss Monroe." Mr. Arnold points his finger at me then turns in his spinning teacher chair, landing his finger Ryland. "As for you, Mr. Aries, you'll be tutoring Everly, here, for a grade."

My jaw drops and, out of my peripheral vision, I think Ryland's does too.

"Coach, I really need to focus on baseball."

"That's why you'll be tutoring her on Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's, the days we don't have practice." Mr. Arnold speaks, rolling his eyes. "End of discussion, you two. Make it happen."

Mr. Arnold shews us away, gesturing his hand to the door. I walk with my head down, creating walls around my face with my silky hair. Ryland slightly brushes his hand against my shoulder.

"So, I guess I'll see you after school. We'll meet at my house, I'll text you the address." Ryland rolls his eyes.

"You don't even have my number." I state just as miserable as he is.

"I'll manage." He smirks before walking away stuffing his hands deep into the pockets of his black skinny jeans, his black converse screech against the tile flooring.

Hold on, I just need to process this.


Ryland, the bad boy, is actually smart? And, he's tutoring me? Some part of me feels like I should just go find a hole to die in while the other is telling me to be happy. At least I've got a chance to improve my grades. What am I kidding? I don't care about my grades.



I walk to the school parking lot and climb into my car when my phone buzzes. I was about to shut it off before heading home but a message lit up the screen.

136 Roland Street

Who is this?

The one and only


It's Ryland, blondie

How'd you get my number?

I have my ways ;)

I throw my phone in the passengers seat and back out of the parking spot, angry as hell. When I'm angry, I drive recklessly. You want to know why I'm mad?

Ryland fucking Aries is my next door neighbor.

Hello there readers... didn't see ya there ;)

I must warn you of the profanities in this book, if you are an innocent child. But I won't go overboard with the cussing, I promise.

Thanks for reading and please show this story and my other story Single Daddy at Sixteen some luvvvv

And yes, I'm highly aware that there are other stories named the same thing as mine but I am not copying anyone's idea. I came up with this while I was in math and I got a 49% on another test and somehow came up with this. I haven't read any of the other stories and I don't intend on it while writing this!

I love you all!



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