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I lay in my bed and stare at the ceiling. That feeling in my stomach, - yeah, the one where the butterflies get destroyed by my inner Hulk- I've never felt before. No one's ever made me feel that way. I don't even know what "that" is and I'm not sure that I want to.

It scares me, those feelings and what they do to me because they are unpredictable. I have no idea what they are, therefore, not knowing what they will do next.

And I hate it.

I love the butterflies but I love it when my inner Hulk smashes them, too. I feel under control when Hulk does but my world feels so light and beautiful when the butterflies tickle my insides.

This feeling is so beautiful yet so destructive.

And he makes me feel this way, whatever it is. Maybe if I stay away from him, I won't have to sort out this confusion. But, then I'll fail my tests and Mr. Arnold will think Aries isn't a good tutor. Either that or I'm not paying attention. I can just say that.

But Aries is my neighbor. How do I stay away from my neighbor? My next door neighbor.

If it's for the best, then that's what'll happen. Plus, he was annoying as fuck last night when he stole my key. I about slapped the shit out of him. But then, he pulled me all close and shit and... No! Don't think about it. The fluttery feeling shit will come back. That's what we're trying to avoid!

I really need to get my mind off of Ryland freaking Aries. I should really call Peightyn and ask if- Peightyn. My so called "best friend" that's supposed to be by my side but never is. I'll call her and we'll meet up at the mall to talk this through. Yeah, I just need to get my mind off of you-know-who.

Wait- I left my purse in Peightyn's car. My purse has my phone. The phone that I need to call Peightyn. I'm such a blonde, it's not even funny.

So, I must sit here and drown in this fluttery crap with the thought of Aries on my mind all day? Just smack me already. Please.

I officially hate today. This is not how my Saturday should be going. I'm such a sorry teenager.

I make my way down to the living room and plop myself on the leather couch. I pick up the remote and turn the channel to Nickelodeon. Spongebob Squarepants is my favorite, don't judge. I sink my small body into the gigantic cushions that feel like clouds against my back, hoping the couch will just swallow me alive.

Then, there's a knock at my door.

Why won't life just leave me alone?

"I'm coming!" I lazily shout to whoever's at the door.

I open the door to my second most hated person at the moment. The other person I really didn't want to see. Peightyn smiles that bright smile and waves at me. I flash her a- fake- smile before she lifts up her hand to my Prada purse.

I'll promise you something. I'm not rich. Far from it. Peightyn bought it for me for my birthday last year and it probably cost more than my birth.

Just clearing that up.

"You left your stuff in my car." Peightyn hands over the bag and I take it from her.

As much as I want to be mad at her, I just can't seem to. Her humble smile is so familiar. If I were to be without it for even one day, I don't know if I'd be able to live. She's filled a part of my life since before I could even remember and if I were to be mad at her, it'd probably hurt me more than it'd hurt her.

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