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"I told you studying helps." Ryland says as we walk down the school halls, students bumping into our shoulders as we walked by them.

"But I think that Mr. Arnold put a major curve in my grade, 'cause, like, it's not an F." I argue.

"That's what happens when you study, Blondie." Ryland runs his fingers through his typical bed hair that he probably didn't brush this morning. "Especially when you study with a such an amazingly hot dude like me."

I roll my eyes. He wraps an arm around my shoulders carelessly and brings me into the side of his body. "You don't think I'm a beautiful person, Everly?" Ryland pretends to pout, sticking out his bottom lip.

"I've always thought you were a beautiful idiot." I involuntarily grin at him.

"I could learn to get used to that."

"Good, because that's the most of a compliment that you'll ever get out of me."


We walk out of the school and to Ryland's. His beautiful matte Camaro sits perfectly parked in the same parking spot we left it this morning. Ryland insisted he drove me to school instead of me walking like I usually enjoy doing but how could someone turn down a ride in such a beautiful car?

The only thing different about the car is that there's Peightyn leaned up against it. She leans over the hood of the car so her cleavage is basically pouring out of her tank top. She never acted slutty around me but when she did- sometimes at parties or when guys flirted with her in public- it had always made me feel so uncomfortable.

But Peigh has always had a thing for Aries. Every time she heard there was a party, she'd ask if he was there. She always goes to see the school's baseball games and I swear to god she has no idea what "sports" are. And she's always tried to talk to Ezra to get closer to Ryland but it never works because Ezra seems like the crazy, clueless kind of guy.

Aries rolls his eyes and asks her what she wants.

"Hey baby, I'm glad to see you too. Oh, and I'm just here to talk to my best friend. Can we have a minute?"

"Whatever, Peightyn." Aries pushes her off of his car. "Don't touch my car." He turns to me. "Don't take to long."

I nod as he gets in the car and Peightyn walks over to me. Her smile is the most evil thing I've ever seen lay upon her lips and I can tell you I've seen a lot of things on her lips.

"Hey 'best friend' how've ya been, girl? I haven't seen you in a while." She folds her arms over her large chest. "Oh, I forgot. You were too busy fucking Ryland Aries. How stupid of me to ask that question."

"That's not how it is at all-"

"I don't care." She rolls her eyes. "You've been spending way too much time with this boy. Since when do you even care about boys?"

"I don't-"

"No, I see what you're trying to do. You're trying to be popular. That's funny if you think you could come anywhere close to popular, Ev."

I just want to punch her so fucking bad right now. The urge was so strong but I held myself back. But I don't know why.

"You see, being popular is only for the pretty girls. The edgy girls. The girls who aren't afraid to have-"

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