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Fuck them.

They never let me see her. They never let me check on her to see if she's okay. To see if she's breathing- to even see if she's fucking alive!

I've been visiting this damn hospital for the past three weeks and the nurses still won't let me in to see her. I just want to climb in a hole sometimes and never come out.

I just-I just want to know. I need to know she's going to be okay. I need to make sure for myself that she'll be alright. I don't trust her in the hands of anyone else but mine. And I don't think she does either.

I just couldn't wait any longer. I was going to see her and today was going to be the day- the first day in nearly a month. I needed to see her. She couldn't be missing out of my life for any longer. I don't think I could physically handle it.

No one was waiting along with me in the waiting room. The room was a boring and the depressing color of beige with black and white pictures on the walls -which I was assuming was supposed to add inspiration and something for people, who's family or friends were pain, to look at and just ignore all of the terror that invaded their life.

One was of a rainbow. But it had no color. They let you see the happiness but didn't allow you to enjoy it. That was the evilness of it all.

I looked around this hospital waiting room once again. There was nothing. So I made my move.

I stood up and walked over to the door where the nurses came and went. I figured it had to be where they kept all the patients.

As I walked down more beige hallways with white tiled flooring, I had began to observe. The last names of the patients and their first initial was written in their hospital room door. Upon whiteboards read a whole bunches of names but I was only in search of one.

I had been walking for about five minutes mindlessly on the look out for her name.

When I had thought it'd be forever until I found it, there it was.

E. Monroe

I stood before the room where I believe the girl that I loved with my entire body was to be. Behind this door, I would be granted with the beauty of her face and pleasance of her presence. The only difference- I wouldn't be able to hear her voice or see the ocean in her blue eyes. Everly wouldn't really be there.

I twisted the doorknob and opened the door slowly. My stomach dropped in anticipation. Then, I laid eyes on her. She lay there motionless under white sheets. Her body was dressed in a hospital gown instead of her usual hoodie-and-jeans style- which I had begun to take an major liking to.

Her eyes were closed and her skin was pale from being in this boring ass hospital room for a month.

Everly was just so different. Finally getting to see her after so long felt strange. It wasn't a feeling I liked. I wanted to be around her all the time. I liked to be around her all the time.

She was so different. Being around her felt so different. It wasn't happy, delicate and sentimental, it was sad and lonely. I missed the way she made me feel. She needed to wake up.

I walked into the hospital room and closed the door, flinching at the noise it made, hoping no one heard it. I sat myself the doctor's rolling stool and rolled over to the bed where she slept. I could hear her innocent breathing. She was so simple and lovely. I wanted to hear her voice again, but could only hear the air come in and out of her body- the air going from oxygen to carbon dioxide.

"Hey, Evs" I began to talk to her.

She couldn't hear me and I felt kind of stupid but I got over it.

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