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Hi, well, I know it's Thursday but there's a really bad storm passing by and I don't know when I'll have good wifi or any electricity at all so here's an early update! Love you all! #commitment ;)

Chapter 6

|| Everly ||

My chest begins to pang with millions of painless pains of panic. I start wheezing, aching for air, my lungs searching for fresh oxygen. Peightyn turns to look at me, her face concerned as she grabs my hand, rubbing the top of it with her other hand.

"Hey, hey, Ev. It's alright. It's just an ordinary party filled with people you already know. Calm down and let yourself loosen up, kid." Peightyn tells me softly still managing to speak over blasting music I've ignored until now.

Bile crawls up my throat but I gulp it down, grow some and storm into the house alongside Peightyn. She was well aware of my anxiety and she has grown to deal with the fact that I just randomly fall apart. We'll be sitting in Starbucks drinking coffee when I'll break and begin freaking out.

This mental illness I have is so terrible for my heart but I don't care about my health. I care that my anxiety stops me from being young and dumb. I don't attend concerts, festivals or parties for this specific reason. Sometimes, I have panic attacks at the fear of having a panic attack and it just makes it worse.

I just have to get through and live my life anyway. Anxiety can tie my down and beat me up but I won't let it stop me from the life I've always wanted.

All familiar faces flash as a colorful light hits their complexions. I can't name them off of the top of my head but I've seen them around. Guy's chug down whatever they have in their solo cups while girls just wrap themselves around the baseball players and football players.

"C'mon Ev, I'm gunna get a drink." Peightyn says, grabbing a hold of my hand and drags my to a door.

She seems to know exactly where to go and I don't even know who's house I'm in. I think it's Ezra Ferrickson's, the starting catcher of the Varsity Baseball team.

"I'll stick with a non-alcoholic beverage, Peigh."

"Fine with me. Someone needs to drive home." She shrugs then begins rummaging through the fridge soon finding exactly what she wants. "Cups are over there, get some water." She says before taking a sip out of her bottle.

"What about the punch?" I ask. Peightyn snorts, covering the bottoms of her face with her hand as she does.

"Unless you wanna be drugged or some shit, I recommend you stick with H2O." Peightyn laughs before walking out of the kitchen, leaving me there all alone to fend for myself.

I stay extremely self-conscious as I grab a plastic red cup and fill it up with water from a water bottle I found in the fridge. I exit the kitchen, bumping into someone on the way out. Liquid spills all over me.

My blood begins to boil. I'm soaking wet and I just got here. Peightyn's clothes now reek with the strong scent of alcohol, my skin becoming sticky from whatever was in that person's cup. My soft pink shirt now had blotches of dark, hot pink. I look up at the person I ran into to see their tight, white shirt was stained with my water.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I quietly apologize, lowering my face and hiding it with my blonde hair, just allowing it to stray off and fall around me like a waterfall.

"Don't be sorry, Blondie." my head jolts up at the sound of his familiar voice.

When our eyes meet, I immediately pull them away, looking down at my soaked shirt. "Don't worry about your shirt, I've got an extra hoodie in my car." Ryland offers but I shake my head.

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