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|| Ryland's POV ||

She whispers "I'm so sorry, Ryland."

For a minute, I was extremely confused. I still am. But then, her fist made its way across my face and the momentum of the punch forced my body to the ground.

Why would she... punch me? I helped her. I wanted to help protect her poor, innocent self but Everly obviously isn't as innocent as I thought she was- she's not as innocent as she comes off.

Either, she gets into fights regularly or someone has taught her to fight because she looked like she knew what she was doing. And she took care of business by herself. She didn't need anyone's help.

When Luke was on top of her, she dodged every punch to her face, even with her eyes closed.

It was kind of cute, actually.

But then, I realized, Luke was trying to punch a girl. Luke doesn't deserve the right to punch anyone, man or women. Young or old. He has no good reason.

It's not really like Everly did either, but, in my opinion, you never punch a girl unless she gives you the most desperate reason to. I bet that single slap barely hurt him. He dramatically fell to the floor when Everly slapped some sense into him and, also in my opinion, he deserved quite a bit.

Luke's been known to steal many things from people, especially me. He's stolen my car from me before, places drugs in it and had me sent to the police station before they later found out it was really him who did it.

He's a minor so he couldn't do the time but he's been given so many warnings I'm suprised he hasn't passed the limit, yet. Is there even one? I don't know.

I should know but I don't. I'm surprised I haven't passed it either.

"Mrs. Monroe! What are you doing?" Coach Arnold shouts at Everly, forcing my face to cringe.

Just seeing the huge, muscular, manly baseball coach yell at such an innocent girl makes me want to punch him but right now, coach Arnold probably is protecting his baseball players, Ezra, Luke and I.

"I-I don't know, Mr. Arnold." Everly's face goes whiter than white-out. She begins to pick at her fingernails- I've began to notice that she does that when she's nervous.

"It wasn't her fault, Coach." I blurt.

"Shut the hell up Aries! This is all your fault! If you wouldn't have done all of that shit then we wouldn't be in this situation!" Everly screams at me, her hands trembling by her sides, before she looks at me.

That look.

It's screaming "please". Her features are soft and her eyes are just begging me to leave her be. There's something there, though, that's saying "trust me" and my body involuntarily does.

What is this girl doing?

I can't let her take the blame.I have to do something.

"It's all my fault, Mr. Arnold." Everly's faces slopes down even more, it looks like she might cry.

Please don't cry.

"That's no excuse, Everly!" Mr. Arnold's scowling eyes go from Everly to Luke, waking up with a bruised face and his face covered in his dried blood.

Luke groans and attempts to get up, using the baseball field's fence for assistance, before I take a threatening step towards him. When Luke's eyes land and focus on Coach Arnold, his eyes light up. A sly smirk takes over his face.

"Coach! This girl-" he coughs and points to Everly with shaking hands. "- she's fucking crazy!"

"He took my money and my Ibuprofen so I decided to come here and ask him for it. When he refused-" Everly tries to explain when I immediately cut her off.

"I punched him. Knocked him out right where he is, Coach." I admit.

"No you didn't, I did. You don't have the guts, Aries." She scolds me with her baby blue eyes, sparkling in the setting sun on the horizon.

"You couldn't beat anyone up to save your life, you slut!" Luke shouts, finally standing up but falling over a bit.

"It's not you'd remember since I knocked the shit out of you, Larson." Everly shoots back.

Damn, roasted, Luke.

"And I'm not the one who missed every time I tried to hit me. I gotchu on the first shot."

"Your a girl, Everly. A useless, no good, piece of shit-"

"Shut up, Luke." Ezra warns.

"Your just like your best friend. You girls are just thirsty hoes."

"Shut up, Luke." I warn this time.

"You all are worthless." Luke finishes and I about pounce on him when Everly shoots me a warning look and I settle back. She smiles at me.

This girl has a plan. I just know it.

"Says the guy who's beat to death, looking black and blue." Everly shoots.


"That's enough, kids! Stop! I've had enough!" Coach Arnold says then looks back over to Everly.

Something about the angry way Coach Arnold looks at Everly makes me feel like I have to protect her from him. Like he might do something wrong and I have to make sure she doesn't get hurt.

"And as for you, Miss Monroe-" coach Arnold takes a deep breath in and let's it out slowly. "Just focus on studying."

"Keep an eye out of her, Aries." He says to me.

"Of course, sir."

Coach walks over and away from the hill when I turn to Everly. Her face lightens up a bit, looking more relived than anything. I hesitate before walking over to her and giving her a hug.

My arms wrap around her neck and rest on her shoulders as she grabs my torso and buries her face into my chest. I can feel her breathing into my shirt, the rapidity of it begins to slow down.

"Why'd you do that?" I whisper.

"I couldn't let you get in trouble."

"Blondie, I'm always in trouble."

Well, hello there readers... didn't see ya there ;)

Ya, ya, I know. A really long chapter then a short one.

But yesterday, I was getting a lot of activity in this book so imma post a few chapters within the next few days! Bc I love me readers, duhh.

I really wanna thank everyone who reads this and votes, comments and follows me. Everything is adding motivation to my work and means the world to me.

Yes, I read every comment.

Yes, you guys are hilarious af.

I love you all!



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