I Love You

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Farkle comes down the stairs like he was ready to cry. He slumps himself next to me on the couch.

"What happened up there?" I ask.

"Ask Riley, or better yet, you're so called boyfriend!" his eyes were directed on the TV.

Lucas comes through the front door again looking nervous, "Oh hey guys!"

I turn my attention towards him, Farkle starts to look a little angry.

"I assume this is the part where you want to talk to Maya alone, but I'm not going anywhere. I know what happened Lucas and I wanna be right here for Maya once you tell her!" Farkle blurts.

Lucas looks down at the floor as he walks over to us, and sits next to me.

"Will somebody tell me what's going on?! My best friend is upstairs probably crying her eyes out and Farkle is super angry! You ran out of here Lucas and were gone for an hour! I'm hella confused! Someone start talking right now!" I yell.

"Lucas and Riley made out while we were gone!" Farkle says in a low voice.

I turn my attention to on the cowboy who is still not looking at me,"Explain."

"Riley was really upset and she kissed me! Somehow we ended up making out and I can't even tell you how it happened, even if I wanted to! I regret it and it meant nothing to me! I'm really, honest to God sorry, please don't be mad at me... I love you!"

To be honest, I am a little hurt, but I don't want to get all mad at him. If it was me and Farkle he would be all Texas Lucas, but I'm better than that.

I just sat there and processed everything he said. Then, my eyes grew wide, "Did you just say you love me?!"

"Yes. I love you okay! I've loved you since the day we met and it's been hard to not tell you. Everyday I would walk around carrying my little secret... I'm in love with you Maya Penelope Hart!"

 I stand up in front of Lucas, "Look, what you did was really hurtful and I should be mad at you right now. But I know if I was the one who made out with Farkle, I would want you to be forgiving. So, I'm gonna be forgiving this time. You wanna know why?"

Lucas nods his head and stands up to meet me.

"Because I love you too," I smile.

He engulfs me into a huge, warm hug. I escaped his grasp realizing Farkle was still there.

"Farkle do you love Riley?"

"Of course! With all my heart!" he says, finally looking at me.

"Prove it! Go find Riley...and make up and make out!"

"Thank you..." he says, heading back up the stairs.

"Why are you being so cool about this?" Lucas asked.

"Because... I know you and I know Riley. You didn't want to hurt me. But..." 

"Oh no, what?"

"You're sleeping in your own room tonight!" I tease, giving my famous glare and flirtatious smirk.


I run up to Riley and drag her into my room. She's been crying and it kills me to know it's partially my fault.

"Farkle I-" she tries to apologize but I cut her off.

"Shut up and kiss me..." I say before smashing my lips into hers.

After about ten minutes or so, we release from each other.

"Is this better than Lucas?" I ask.

"Farkle I love you, I only want you. Of course this is better!" She says, leaning in again.


Maya and I make our way upstairs. It's pretty late now. We stayed up a little bit longer talking. 

"You know, conversation is key to any real relationship and you and I just had another amazing one..." Maya smiles.

"Yeah..." I say getting lost in her beautiful eyes, she traps me in them every time.

"Come on Huckleberry..." she whispers, leading me to her room.

"I thought I wasn't allowed to sleep with you tonight?" I smirk.

"Oh, do you not want to lay next to me then? I can always change my mind..." she flirts, biting her lip.

"Nope. Not complaining!"

We change into our pajamas and get cozy in her bed. She shivers and I wrap my arms around her for warmth. For California in the summer, you would think it should be hot at night.

"I love you huckleberry..." she whispers.

"And I love you," I say, then kiss her forehead.

Just like that, we're both out like a light.


I had so much planned for this story, but I'm just gonna keep it short. I hate to say this, but, this is the last present day chapter. The next chapter will be a set up for the future. 

You guys have loved this story so much, so there will be a sequel: Maya Got Her Cowboy. It will be about Riley, Farkle, Maya, and Lucas's future. Maya and Lucas have two kids, Marley and Elliot Friar. Riley and Farkle have a daughter, Isabelle Minkus, and a year older son William Minkus. Marley and Isabelle are best friends, Elliot and William are best friends, Riley became their History teacher, Maya became a well known artist, Farkle owns Minkus International, Lucas became a vet, and the girls like each others' brothers. Nothing can go wrong right?

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