Chapter 22~Cheering up the Avengers~

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Wade, Peter, Loki and I just heard from agent Hill that the mission the Avengers were on was not a success, I feel bad for them then I get a brilliant idea,

"Guys I have a plan to cheer up the Avengers!" I say dramatically, they look at me confused,

"How?" Peter asks, I smirk

"Come with me and find out" I say and walk to the elevator and they follow.

~Time skip~

We enter the penthouse with three bags full of...........................NERF GUNS!!!

"(y/n) remind me again why we have bought children's toys" Loki  said looking unimpressed, I sigh,

"'Cause we're going to have a Nerf war Loki, trust me it'll be fun" I pat his back and he glares at me but agrees anyway, I right a note and set it in the kitchen with lots of Nerf guns surrounding it, I smirk and go find a hiding place and wait for the avengers to come in.

~30 minutes later~ 


I can't believe they got away, how could we let them get away! I think to myself as we take the elevator to the Penthouse, the elevator doors open and we see no one there.

"GUYS WE'RE BACK!" Steve shouts out....... no answer, 'that's weird' I think to myself,

"What's this?" Clint asks pointing to a note on the wall,

'GO INTO THE KITCHEN!-------->' 

We all look at each other confused and walk into the kitchen to see a note lying in the center of the table with Nerf guns surrounding it 'what's this about?'

"Wow this is cool" Clint says and picks up one of the guns and fires it at Nat, she glares at him

"Sorry" he says innocently, I pick up the note and read aloud,

'Hello Avengers, you have now entered the war zone grab a gun and get to shooting, the losers have to do whatever the winners wants them to do for a week! 

Good luck and my the odds be ever in your favor!

Sincerely (y/n), Loki, Wade and Peter:)'

Everyone rushes to grab a gun and runs off,'Why do I have a feeling this was (y/n)'s idea' I think to myself and run off trying to stay in the games.

~Time skip~


Clint and Nat took each other out at the same time, Loki took out Thor, Tony took out Loki, Steve took out Bruce, Peter took out Steve and Wade and Peter took each other out as well as Vision and Wanda, now it's only me and Tony left, I tip toe down a corridor checking every room'where is he?' 

"Come out, come out where ever you are (y/n)" I hear Tony shout from around the corner, 'SHIT!' I panic and run into one of the rooms, I look around for a place to hide, THERE IS NONE!! 

"I know your're in there (y/n)" Tony says from behind the door, 'Crap think (y/n) think!' suddenly an idea pops into my head, 'THE VENTS!' I climb up into the vents and aim my gun at the door, waiting for Tony to come in.........................................the door slowly opens.................................just a little closer........................................NOW! 

I shoot and it hits him square in the head,

"YESSSSS I WIN!!" I shout in victory and climb down from the vents, 

"Well played kid" he says and high fives me, I thank him and we head for the living room were everyone else is,

"Hey guys, so who won?" Bruce asks, I smirk and do a victory dance,

"I DID!! now you guys have to so whatever I say for a week!" everyone groans,

"This outta be good" Clint says, I laugh and suddenly the elevator doors open, we all look to see who it is, it's Leo and his brothers, I smirk and look at the Avengers and they nod there heads,

"GET EM!" I shout and everyone aims at them, their eyes widen and they run away screaming and we run after them.

Just another day in the life of (y/n) Logan...........


Hey guys! so there's chapter 22 hope you all liked it and I just want to thank you guys for 700 reads what the hell thank you guys so much!!i'll see you in the next chapter byee!!:)

(Under editing) The crazy life of (Y/n) Logan~Book 1~ (Leonardo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now