Chapter 49~Patrice's Birthday~

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(Y/n)'s POV ~A few months later~ 

It's December and you know what that means! CHRISTMAS!!!! It's the 22nd 3 more days I'm so excited, we got out of school yesterday thank god! At the minute I'm sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast with Wade and Peter,

"I can't wait to see what I got for Christmas!" Wade said like a little kid,

"Your're not getting anything your're on the naughty list" I say teasingly, he smirks 

"The only naughty list I'm on is Peters" he said in a deep voice, Peter and my eyes widen, Peter blushes soooo hard and I laugh,

"Wade seriously you're so disgusting" he gives me an innocent smile 

"It's one of my MANY qualities" he says and I chuckle, soon my phone rings and I answer


"Hey (y/n), It's Megan"

"Oh hey Megan what's up?" did I forget to mention her and Raph are a thing now?....I didn't....well now you know:) 

"It's Patrice's birthday today and we're having a surprise party for her at the mansion so I need you to distract her today" 

"It's her birthday!? why didn't she say anything?" 

"She doesn't like celebrating it cause she doesn't really age with her healing factor anol" ("Anol" means "and all" if you didn't know)

"Wait? so that means she'll out live us?" she sighs 

"Yeah that's why she hates having that mutation" That must be horrible watching everyone you know die and you stay, woah 

"Ok I'll help but what I'm I supposed to do?" 

"I dunno take her shopping or something, we're gonna need at least 3 hours to get ready" then an idea pops into my head,

"Hey you know Ice man?" I ask her 

"Bobby? yeah I know him why?" 

"Ask him can he do me a favour"..................

~Time skip~

"(Y/N)!!" Donnie shouts at me 

"Aw come on Donnie you gotta tell her how you feel, just tell her what you tell me, how she's so beautiful and that" he sighs 

"Ok ok maybe it is time I told her, but what if she doesn't feel the same way?" 

"Trust me Donnie, you won't be disappointed".........................

Patrice's POV 

*Sigh* another stupid birthday, I shouldn't even have a birthday I don't age, and that's what sucks, some people would be all for it but not me, I can't have a family cause I'll out live them and I can't watch everyone I love die.........I just can't, I'm kinda happy no one has mentioned it to me cause they know how cranky I get when they do, but everyone is acting a bit strange probably cause it's so close to Christmas, yeah that must be it suddenly I hear some one at the door

"I'LL GET IT!!" I shout and open the door surprised to see who is it,

"Donnie?" he smiles 

"Hey Patrice" I smile 

"Hey come on in, so what are you doing here?" I ask he pretends to be offended 

"What can't I pay a visit?" I giggle 

"Of course ya can Don" 

"Come on I wanna show you something" he takes hold of my hand and I blush like mad, he pulls me out to the back where the fountain is, I gasp to see it frozen over and there's little lights all over the place,

(Under editing) The crazy life of (Y/n) Logan~Book 1~ (Leonardo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now