Chapter 17: Fake Me

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Feeling a sharp pain on her shoulder, Abby wakes up. Panting, Abby flutter her eyes open and roamed her eyes around. The room was dimly lit with a single light on top of the bed that Abby was laying. She moved her right shoulder slightly as she felt the sting again, she gritted her teeth not wanting to make a sound. Making a sound will only aware everyone that she is awake.

She didn't forget any detail of what happened with Jerome. On how he had a sinister smile on his face as be bleeds to death. She could only cry, her face was heating up and a single tear slip away from her eyes, staining her cheeks.

Containing her tears, the door creaks open and Abby pretended to be asleep. The man looked around as his eyes landed on Abby. "I know you're awake." He says getting inside while closing the door behind him.

Abby opened her eyes and saw a man with eyeglasses. "Who are you? Where am I?"

"You're currently in one of the rooms of GCPD and I'm Ed Nygma. I'm here to help." He replied and made his way beside Abby's bed. "Tell me, what do you want right now?"

"I don't believe that you are here to help me, no one can help me. You're just here to pull out answers and I'm not telling you anything." Abby replied sternly while clenching her left fist.

"Please believe me." He said pushing his eyeglasses close to his eyes and flashed a weird smile at Abby.

"What do you want?" The light flinched as Abby looked at it, a little bit terrified.

"Scared Miss Young? It's just a light but never mind it, I want to help you." He said in a fast pace.

"Why should I believe you? I'm already dead. I can't escape this prison without Jerome." Abby looked away from him and stared at the distance.

"That's why I'm here. I'm going to help you Miss Young." Abby just laughed.

"Don't try to test me." She now had a terrifying look on her face. Nygma looked at her fascinated.

"What do you want Miss Young? Say it, and everything will end." Abby bit the inside of her lower lip. She sighed deeply and look back at Nygma.

"I wan to see Jerome."

"But, but the boy is gone. He's not in my hands anymore. I can't do that."

Abby had a perfect idea. She didn't want to end up in Arkham. It's a foul place and that would just deprive her from doing her usual craziness.

All she had to do was to fake her death. 

"Fine, fake my death. Take me out of here and never bring me back. Is that still out of your hand because if it is, then I'd like to die." She replied while feeling the sharp pain hit her shoulders again.

"Will do Miss Young. Just act like you are dead, then I will do the rest." Nygma replied as he walks to the door.

"Wait!" He turned around while grabbing the knob. "Now?" Nygma just nodded his head as he opens the door and gets out.

Well that was a good start. Abby closed her eyes and lay he head back to the soft pillow. She looked like she was dead, he lips were chapped and white while her skin turned paler than ever she was.

The door opens as Detective Gordon looked at Abby's dead body and sighed. This is happening. Abby thoughts as  two medics came in and got her out of the small room.

Gordon was the one who shot Abby, now he's guilty that he killed her. Plus he had many questions to ask her but he failed, he killed his own suspect. 

The two medics pushed her bed to the morgue as Nygma stood there waiting. "Thank you." He said to the medics as they got out of the room. Abby stands up from the bed and looked at Nygma.

He was totally serious about this, he wanted Abby to be free for the sake of Gotham. "You should go now Miss Young."

Abby rested her arm on Nygma's shoulder as he looked at her. "Thank you Nygma." She says as Ed handed her fresh clothing and a baseball cap.

"Change into this you wont be noticed around this place." Abby took it as he went out of the room. Abby changed into the clothes and throwing away the hospital gown she was wearing.

She hoped this wasn't a test. She hoped that this was real.

As she finished dressing up careful not to hit her injured shoulder, Abby went to the door and slightly opening it making sure no one was outside. As she looked around the outsides, it was clear. She carefully got out of the room and escaped through the back door.

Smelling the air of the streets of Gotham, it reminded her of Jerome. He was gone and she missed him already. She didn't even know how many days had past since the night she last saw Jerome.

She remembered his sinister smile right before he died. She remembered the blood all over the place and she remembered the way he held her hands when they dance at the back of the stage.

She decided to tell her parents, she can't live on her own. So Abby walked to their house, careful as possible because she didn't want to get noticed. Looking at their house from the distance, she cowered. Her hands trembled and it felt like cold ice but there was now going back now. She walked closer to their house as she heard a scream coming from the inside.

Abby sighed deeply and knocked on the door. The screams stopped as the door slightly opened. It was her father. "Abby?" He opened the door widely and pulled her inside the house closing it behind her. "What are you doing here? They said you were dead!"

He exclaims as her mother rushed to them and hugged Abby very tight. She felt the pain struck again. She groaned as her mother realized she had a wound.

"I'm sorry darling. I'm sorry." She say rubbing her palms against Abby's hair. "They told us that you were dead. They told us..." Her mother sobs as Abby felt guilty.

"I had help mom."

"What have you done? Tell me all that happened darling. I'm your mother you can tell me anything." She sobs again while Abby's father comforted her mother.

"I will. I will."

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