Nine-Crescent Moon

638 33 10

Seriously guys why did you let me publish that without the title?

"Mabel! Mabel, can you hear me?" My eyes shot open and I sat up, coughing up the water onto Ford's feet.

"There you go, let it out." He comforted, rubbing my back.

"What happened?" I asked, looking up at my uncle. I felt a thin blanket over my shoulders.

"You had us scared Mabes," Melody said.

"There was a thin patch in the ice. You fell in." Ford explained. "Robbie went to get the car, let's go home." He held out his hand which I gladly took, standing up. Suddenly my back got a little heavier and warmer. I turned to look at Ford, who had removed his jacket and was skating in just a red sweater. I inhaled through my nose, his jacket smelled like old paper and smoke. I smiled.

"Here, drink this." Ford insisted, placing a mug of cocoa next to my bowl of hot soup. "Thank you, Melody, for insisting I bought this. You may have saved Mabel's life." I chuckled.

"I'm fine Grunkle Ford!" I was sitting in the kitchen with two blankets wrapped around me, a space heater blowing at my feet, and Melody blow drying my hair.

"This is serious Mabel, you could have died. And on my watch, no less. Your parents would never trust me again!" I thought back to the moment a before I fell.

"You and your brother have no idea what you're doing."

"Fine. There are other people who can hunt for them anyway."

I shivered again.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed." I stood up, wrapping all the blankets around me, and headed upstairs.

It was dark by now, the only light coming from the thin crescent moon outside. Standing on the rickety old desk, I pulled myself through the small triangular window and onto the roof.

"It was a night like this, except the moon was waning." I turned around. By now I had become accustomed to Gideon appearing behind me. He sat on the higher peak of the roof staring at the sky.

"That night was one that changed my life forever, the night I met her."

"You keep talking about her, who is she?" I asked, climbing up beside him. He kept his gaze fixed on the moon.

"It all happened three years ago. She was on break from her tour, searching for the same thing I was." He clenched the amulet around his neck. "She's a fraud, but it's all an act. She may even be more powerful than I am."

"Gideon, what's her name?" I begged, shaking his arm. Gideon turned to look at me in all seriousness.

"Pacifica Pleasure." At the mention of the name, a wind blew through the trees, sending a chill up my spine. Pacifica Pleasure. It was a name that rolled off the tongue and made you wonder what secrets they hold.

With another cold chill, a shimmer of purple crossed the Crescent Moon.

"What does that mean?" I asked, looking at Gideon. He gulped.

"She's back."

(A/N) 500 words not bad. So, she's back. Does anybody have the Gravity Rises zodiac?

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