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Gideon Northwest walked quietly as he could to no avail, as his footsteps still echoed in the silent manor. Other than a singular chef, a butler, and several maids, the three Northwests were the manor's only occupants.

If Gideon's memory was correct, his mother should have been out judging a beauty pageant that day, and his father should have been at a charity golf event.

"Gideon." Unless, of course, he wasn't. Gideon cleared his throat.

"Father." His father was standing in front of a large fireplace, above which hung a large painting of the three. He turned to face Gideon.

"You've been spending a lot of time away from the manor." Gideon gulped.

"Have I?" His father sneered.

"You spent the entire night before elsewhere. You snuck out late last night, and had the audacity to return at ten o'clock this morning!" His father stated, his voice raising with each word. "Where in God's name have you been?"

"Last night," Gideon began, internally panicking but keeping his cool on the outside. "I was with Pacifica Pleasure. She asked me to meet with her last night regarding new abilities she'd discovered with her amulet." He lied. His father contemplated the statement.

"You've been spending this time with the Pleasure girl?" Gideon nodded.

"Her amulet's power is growing greatly. I fear it poses a danger to her sanity and the well-being of those around her." His father raised an eyebrow.

"You're positive you're not trying to avoid me? Or avoid your duties?" Gideon shook his head. His father nodded. "Get some rest. You'll need it for this afternoon."

"Thank you father." Gideon nodded and rushed to his room, collapsing on his bed with a sigh.

Glancing around at the rarely-changing room, he noticed the latest edition of The Gravity Rises Flibbertigibbet sitting on his nightstand. The front page article was another one mentioning himself and the Pines girl.

"Thank God father refuse to read this paper." He could only hope to keep Northwest-Pines Mystery Hunters a secret from him.


"Ford!" I called down the stairs, frusterated.

"Yes, Mabel?" His reply came faster than it ever had.

"Where's the grappling hook you gave me?" For a moment the only sound I could hear was his footsteps, until he finally came into view in the front hallway.

"Why do you need it?" He asked, holding what looked like a mini flamethrower.

"Because... uh... why do you have a flamethrower?" He looked down at his hands.

"Oh, this? I just... prefer to burn the hair off my face rather than shaving. It's much faster, no matter how dangerous Melody claims it to be."

"It's a fire hazard, Mr. Pines!" Melody's shout came from the kitchen. Ford shook his head. I thought it over for a moment.

"Just... try not to burn down the shack. That's the last thing we need right now." Ford nodded.

"So, what did  you need that grappling hook for again?" He asked, snapping me back to the task at hand."

"Right! I was going to see if Gideon would do that thing he does where he randomly shows up whenever he senses a mystery or inner turmoil, but I don't think he's going to show up today. He seemed exhausted yesterday afternoon." I said. Melody appeared beside Ford in an apron and holding a spatula.

"Well, why don't you come eat some french toast and we can talk about your little friend downstais."

"He's not my friend though, Melody." I corrected, heading downstairs.

"Why not? You guys go out and fight monsters all the time, that makes you guys friends!" She declared.

"Maybe, but we don't hang out like you and I do. We're friends."

"Awe, thanks Mabes!" As soon as we were in the kitchen, Melody served everyone, and the three of us ate.

"Speaking of monsters, try to beat that monster appetite." Ford suggested. "I think its high time you help out around the museum. Since you have free time." I groaned, but agreed.

I spent the day at the museum, usually sweeping or covering the register for Robbie when he took breaks. I didn't think much of Gideon's absence-he had to have a life too, didn't he? Besides, it's not like I cared too much. Adventure hunting wa great, but it always left me too exhausted to do much of anything with Ford, Melody, and Robbie, who'd been spending a considerable amount of time at the shack recently.

The shack was about to close when she came in.

"Robbie." Wendy said, jumping up and sitting on the counter.

"Hey babe." He said. "I don't really think you're supposed to be sitting on the counter." She laughed.

"Or what? You'll spank me?" She laughed again, and Robbie looked around for an excuse to change he subject. Unfortunately, he chose me.

"Hey, Mabes! I guess your boyfriend there never came, huh?" I blushed. Wendy shot me a glare.

"The kid's a little young to have a boyfriend, isn't she?"

"H-he's not my boyfriend, he's just a... friend, I guess." I admitted. Robbie shook his head.

"Either way. He should't just stand you up. It's rude." I nodded my head.

"I guess so... we didn't exactly agree to hang out today, he sort of... implied  he'd be here."  explained. Wendy rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. Anyhow, Robbie, the gang's thinking about breaking into Greasy's tonight and taking a few pies and crap. You in?" Robbie shook his head.

"You know I'm not into that. Besides, there's a Ghost Harassers marathon tonight. I'm staying over here with the Pines'." He explained. Wendy sighed.

"Fine." She leaned across the counter and kissed him. I looked the other way and pretended to throw up, even though I secretly wished I was Wendy at that moment. I'll see you later babe."

"See you!" Robbie called after her as she left. I walked over to the door and switched the closed sign.

"Breaking into the diner? What do you see in her?" I asked. Robbie shrugged as he did his final count of the register.

"I know it seems weird to you Mabes, but Wendy can be pretty cool sometimes."

"I'll bet." I said sarcastically.

"You'd be surprised."

(A/N) Story progression for Gids, character progression for Mabes.

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