Four- Gideon's Journal

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About a week or so had passed and while I was still on crutches I was finally allowed to walk.

So I spent the day hobbling around the gift shop chatting with Robbie.

"I'm so glad I'm not bedridden anymore!" I exclaimed joyfully, spinning on an old office chair that Melody had dusted off for me.

"Sounds sweet Mabes," Robbie said, reading a copy of Avoiding Eye contact Monthly. I looked up at him, chewing on my bottom lip.

"S-So Robbie," I started, admittedly staring at the teen. He looked up at me questioningly. "I-I was just wondering, I mean, if you're not busy or anything... do you wanna have a movie night?" I looked up at Robbie, who was smiling warmly.

"I'd love to." My heart soared.

He actually said yes, I had thought he'd say-

"Did you hear me, Mabes?"

"Wh-what?" I blinked, looking up at my teen friend.

"I said I'd love to, but I have plans with my girlfriend tonight." My heart shattered.

"You have a girlfriend?" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah, here she comes now." I looked over at the gift shop door to see a girl with flaming red hair and a heavy coat walk through the door.

"Sup Robbie, Sup kid?" I frowned.

"I'm not a kid. I'm almost thirteen. Almost technically a teen!" I retorted, crossing my arms.

"Yeah." She pushed me in the face, making me roll away. "So anyway..." Wendy kept talking to Robbie with a smirk on her face as I was left to scowl in the corner.

If Dipper had been there he would have told me not to get so worked up because it was just a crush. Although, this is coming from the guy who every girl swoons for.

Upset and lonely, I grabbed my crutch and hobbled into the living room.

"That's everyone! Melody has some plans with her cousin, Robbie's going to spend the night  with that wench, and Ford won't want to do anything!" I flopped down into Ford's old recliner and stared at the door.

It wasn't like someone was just going to magically knock on the door and change my life forever-

Knock knock. I glared at the door for daring to challenge me, then resigned myself to get up and answer it.

"The museum entrance is on the other side," I said grouchily, staring at the ground.

"Please Pines, if I wanted to see a fake I'd just watch reality television." I looked up at Gideon, who for once was standing on the ground. He was a few inches shorter than me but had such an ambiance...

"How did you know my uncle is a fake?" I asked, surprised.

"Stanford and I have had altercations before. It'd be best if you refrain from mentioning our situation." I looked down at Gideon quizzically.

"Our situation? What are you talking about?"

"You have the journal. I believe this makes us accomplices. You see, I have also acquired a journal." He held forward a journal nearly identical to my own, save for the number two written on the cover.

"I didn't know you had-"

"A journal?" Gideon interrupted. "Of course you didn't, I never told you. In fact, that day in the forest I was out looking for the very book you have clutched in your jacket." I gulped.

"What's your game, Northwest?"

"Game? I'm playing no games, Mabel. I simply desire the same thing you do; to decipher this town's mysteries."

"You talk a lot. But what burning mysteries could this town have?" I challenged. Gideon smirked, opening the journal in his hands to a page that made me eerily uncomfortable before I even saw it.

"What do you see here?" There was a triangle. A pyramid. The Illuminati? No, I'd proved them to be a hoax. But it was the circle around the triangle, the symbols, that scared me.

"What is this?" I asked, looking Gideon in the eye.

"Why don't you ask the author? Your uncle."

(A/N) Fixed some spelling errors.

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