The Happiest Accident

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The only word she could think of while hold 2 white tests with tears sliding down her chin. She wiped her tears as she heard a knock on the door;

"Aria, are you in there?" Spoke a shallow voice, Aria knew it was Ezra.

She didn't reply, she just opened the door. He looked at her red eyes and asked what was wrong. Aria pulled the test out from behind her back and starting sobbing. Ezra couldn't believe what he was seeing. At this point Aria was almost on the floor crying, when Ezra lifted her chin and hugged her.

"I'm sorry, I don't blame you if you want to leave me" Aria said, she was creating a wet patch on Ezra's shirt.

"Aria" He said laughing at what she said slightly.

"What?" She replied

"I'm not going to leave you, why would you think that? I love you" Ezra said while holding her hips. She smiled with relief as he wiped her tears. They talked for ages, about what they were going to do, they decided they were going to keep the baby but there was only one thing that was going to stop them. Aria's parents. More so her dad than anything. After more talking Ezra finally convinced her to tell her parents.

"We should probably go now if we want to tell them, they are going out later" Aria said.

"Your right, lets go" Ezra replied grabbing his wallet and keys from the coffee table in front of him.

10 minutes later they arrived at her parents house, before she could enter, she stared at the brown wooden door. She asked Ezra to come with her as she was afraid they would hurt her. As she placed her hand on the cold brown handle and opened the door, she saw no other than her dad sat on the stairs, he looked up at her and stood up.

"What is this?" Byron asked with an angry tone.

"Dad, I need to tell you something, we need to tell you something" Aria said, holding Ezra's hand.

"ELLA, can you come down please?" Byron shouted while making his way to the couch.

Ella walked down the stairs and stopped on the last step which didn't have the red carpet like the other stairs had. She slowly made her way to the couch and sat down next to Byron.

Ezra and Aria stood in front of her parents, completely frightened of what was about to happen.

"Erm, about 6 months ago we told you that we were...involved..." Ezra said, breaking the silence, Aria squeezed his hand causing him to stop, Aria wanted to tell her parents as she didn't want them to hurt Ezra.

"I'm just going to come out and say it, okay...i'm pregnant" Aria said while one tear drops down her face.

"You're...pregnant" Ella says with a pause, that pause was a pause of confusion mixed with anger.

"Yes" Aria said know crying even more.

"Get out" Byron mumbled. Aria couldn't hear what he was saying so she asked him to repeat it.

"GET OUT, NO DAUGHTER OF MINE, WHILE LIVING IN THIS HOUSE WILL BE KNOCKED UP BY HER ENGLISH TEACHER" Byron screamed at the two. Aria suddenly ran up the stairs, Ezra quickly following. He walked into her room to see her struggling to reach her suitcase which was on the top of her closet.

"Here" Ezra said while reaching for it.

"Thanks" Aria replied while scurrying to pack as much as she could. Ezra told Aria that she could live with him, and not to care what her parents think, because they were starting a new chapter of their lives.  She looked at him with tears still falling out of her eyes. He leant down the kiss her not caring if he could hear Byron walking up the stairs.  After she finished packing she grabbed the book Ezra had given to her as gift from when they first met, and her suitcase. As she walked to door, she took one last look of her bedroom before walking past her dad, hand in hand with Ezra and out the door.


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