The Aftermath

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When they arrived at the door of Ezra's apartment, Aria walked in and hugged Ezra.

"Thank you for this, but I have one question." Aria said releasing herself from his embrace.

"What?" Ezra replied with slight confusion

"Would you change anything about that night or when we met if you knew this would be the outcome?" Aria questioned pointing to her stomach.

"Of course not, why would you think that?" Ezra replied leading her to the couch.

"Because its overwhelming, think about it, we have no money how can we look after a child?" Aria said with a tear slowly landing on her check.

"We can do it, I can do overtime, help tutor students maybe, I do whatever I can" Ezra said wiping the tear from her check.

She stared at him before slowly moving in, gently placing her lips on his, it got a bit heated before Ezra pulled away.

"Why did you stop?" Aria asked.

"Your friends?...." Ezra replied.

"What about them?....oh...." Aria said remembering she hadn't told them. Aria was scared of telling the girls of anything she did, she was scared they would judge her, they never did but when she told them about Ezra...let's say it wasn't the best of news for them.

The next day, Ezra dropped Aria off 3 blocks away from school because the school board didn't know about them...yet...Aria had always been scared that her dad would tell them about Ezra, this baby might actually push him over the edge and tell them.

She walked up the stairs to Rosewood High School only to see her principal talking to Detective Darren Wilden.

"Crap" She whispered to herself, trying to look normal, she walked in and the principal to called her name.

"Miss Montgomery?!" Principal Hackett called as Aria tried to scurry away quickly, she stopped and looked up in fear of what was about to happen.

"Yes" She replied hesitantly.

"Do you recognise this person?" Detective Wilden interrupted showing her a photo.

"Yes...that's Mr Fitz...he used to teach English here" Aria replied with pauses.

"Okay, thank you very much" He said putting the photo back in his pocket.

"Erm, why did you need to show me the photo? If you don't mind me asking?" Aria questioned.

"There have been reports that he knew Alison DiLaurentis, and evidence shows that he could be involved with the murder investigation and with you being involved with the victim, I was just wandering if you had seen this younger version of him" Wilden replied.

"What!" Aria almost screamed, she tried to explain that their was no possible way he could of done it as she knew Alison and she didn't seem to be hiding anything. Aria need to get away and go to Hollis, where Ezra worked.

After Wilden was finished telling her about Ezra, she thanked him and practically ran back down the stairs and to Hollis. When she arrived, she knocked on Ezra's door.

No Answer.

She tried calling him.

No Answer.

"Where the hell could he be?" Aria asked herself, she was thinking of all the places where she would go if she was him.


Authors Note:

Thank you for reading, I know I haven't been updating a lot because I have netball but I'm going to try and update more regularly.

Thanks <3


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