Foreword and Introduction

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Hello everyone!

A lot of my readers after reading His Great Game (Sherlock x Reader) fic have asked me if I know of any other fics that they would enjoy as much as they enjoyed mine. The answer is OF COURSE there are, and there are many that are a lot better than mine :)
This fic in particular was my favorite thus far. It was written by AspiringHuntressWhoGetsKilled on AO3. If you like it enough to vote on here, I'm sure she would appreciate it if you gave her kudos on the original work.

We actually both started writing our Sherlock x Readers at the same time on AO3, but she's just finished hers recently. If you're familiar with His Great Game, you'll notice elements of my story from hers and you'll see where she has elements from my story. Guess that's one of the perks of collaboration between authors. :)

This fic takes place post-season three, so the plot is entirely original.

This work is mature.

This fic is marked for frequent mild language and graphic descriptions of violence.

- CS

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