Ch 19: Family don't end in blood, but it sure as hell doesn't start there either

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You couldn't sleep, but you actually didn't want to, so that was fine.

You were sitting on a chair, your feet propped up against the end of Sherlock's bed, while he was still lying in it, knocked out. You had been watching him, this last couple of hours, making sure that nothing bad would happen while he was in his drugged sleep.

You sighed for the thousand time this night, your gaze tracing every little feature in his face, comparing it to the ones you'd gotten used to. He mostly looked the same, but now a bit harsher, less relaxed or peaceful.

You felt the need to lie next to him, hold him, maybe caress his cheek or something like that but you couldn't bring yourself to it, these days had been too rough on him to just fall back in old routine.

And you were dealing with quite a mess too. Your head, your thoughts and memories were chaos, and you just wanted to have everything in order. But it was difficult to get everything in place, the decisions you had made a day ago had an entirely different ratio behind them than your actions now.

And you felt scared.

Scared, because for multiple days, you had become a stranger to the man you loved the most. This was the guy that right now, you knew you wanted to spend your life with, but when you had lost your memories, you hadn't felt anything. You had seen him as a crazy psychopath with strange and dangerous tendencies, because of that you had treated him poorly.

You decided to go to your mind palace, that was now nothing more than a mind box, and start expanding it.

You had always lost track of time when you did so, going in to some kind of trance just like Sherlock did, too concentrated to notice anything from the real world. When you snapped out of it, happy with the progress you had made, you noticed that it had become morning.

The world seemed a friendlier place, with the light peeking through the little space that the curtains didn't cover, revealing the dust that was dancing around the room. You relaxed and smiled at it, realising that the world was still turning, the sun was still hanging bright and warm in the sky. This was just a temporary problem that you would have to fix as soon as possible.

You were dreading to look back at the bed and see his unconscious form laying there, knowing that it was your fault that he had done this to himself. Running a hand through your hair you sighed, staring at your shoes.

Woman up and clean up your mess (Y/N).

So you looked up, and for a second there wasn't anything wrong, then your brain registered what it was seeing, or well, what it wasn't seeing actually.

Panic made your heart beat faster when you saw that the bed was empty, the sheets carelessly thrown to one side, like Sherlock always did when he woke up.

You stood up, and waited for a second, trying to get yourself on track again. The moment your heart wasn't almost beating out of your chest you walked over to the door, slamming it open and flying through it to find him.

Probably gone off to the morgue, or John's? Maybe Scotland yard? A drug dealer? I DON'T KNOW.

You ran into the hall and pushed yourself off the wall to sprint into the kitchen, you had already passed the kitchen and living room, planning on leaving the house when you just stopped. You turned around, standing in the doorway and looked at his chair, where he was sitting.

He was looking at you with that sharp gaze of his that made you go weak in the knees, tapping the armrest whilst analysing you.

'I know who did it.' Sherlock said neutrally, trying to mask his triumphant smile.

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