Chapter 3: John, I don't have any friends, I have one... maybe two now, idk

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Your P.O.V.

'Oh, excuse me do you mind?' You asked Sherlock politely when your phone started ringing.

You were sitting together at the Italian restaurant Sherlock had picked, you were half way through your main course and the ambiance was nice. Sherlock told you about the cases he had solved, and you loved it how his eyes started to sparkle and his hands moved when he showed off a bit, though he didn't leave the details behind he couldn't make sense of. He was telling you about John and Mary's wedding when your phone went off, the only reason you had left it on was in case someone from work called.

'Not at all.' He answered and you picked it up.

'Hello?' You said, you didn't recognise the number on your screen.

'Hi, It's Greg, we've got a murder and you need to come over immediately, I'll text you the address.' He said, clearly sounding stressed and out of breath.

'I'll be there in a second.' You answered and hung up, looking apologetically at Sherlock.

'I'm sorry, but Lestrade called. There's been a murder and I need to come over.' You told him, you felt incredibly bad for leaving him at the restaurant, but there was no other choice.

'There's a case?' He asked you, his eyes shining with excitement, you grinned a bit.

'Has he texted you?' You asked him and he frowned a bit.

'No.' He answered and you nodded.

'Until he does, it's his case, if you walk in it'll damage his authority and his ego.' You said to him as you stood up and paid the waiter, Sherlock had wanted to do that but he was currently thinking about what you had just said.

'But he always calls me for cases.' He said while following you out of the restaurant.

'No Sherlock, he solves most of them alone.' You told him with a smile.

You received Lestrade's text and looked up to Sherlock, and he was frowning, clearly upset with this current information.

Thanks, do you mind if Sherlock tags along? He won't be a burden; he's teaching me how to deduce. –(Y/N)


Fine, but I'll send him away if I have to –Greg


'Come on, Sherlock, hop in.' You said to him from inside the cab, he quickly sat down and you gave the cabbie the address.

'You'll have to be good boy, but I persuaded Greg to let you come along.' You said to him and he started smiling wickedly, grinning at you like a little boy.

'Who's Greg?' He asked you after five minutes of comfortable silence.

'...Greg Lestrade?' You said unsure of yourself, he must know him, right? 

'Isn't he called George?' Sherlock asked you with squinted eyes and you gave him a perplexed look.

'No Sherlock, his name is Greg, and he'll send you away from the scene if you misbehave so you'll have to be as polite as possible to all of them.' You said to him. 

'Not if they behave like idiots.' Sherlock muttered under his breath and you chuckled.

'Even then.' You said with a fond smile, he was acting slightly childish and it was adorable.

'I do not understand why I would have to care about their feelings.' He said stubbornly, slightly pouting while he crossed his arms and looked outside.

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