Chapter 6: You could be totally, like, then new Al Capone

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Your P.O.V.

It's been a month since you'd moved in with Sherlock.

It had been the best month of your life.

You had solved cases or discovered something every day. There wasn't time to be bored when you were around Sherlock. Well, he did get bored sometimes, and then you would invent a challenge for him, something stupid and social. He would always say that it was rubbish and he would do no such thing, but you kept nagging until his ego took control and he had to prove himself.

Once, he had to buy coffee for a guy and ask him about his life, the guy broke down crying saying that it was the nicest thing someone had done for him in a while. Sherlock was shocked to say the least, you had been sitting at the other side of the cafeteria to see if he aced the challenge and were left speechless. Sherlock had awkwardly patted him and talked to him, but not in an emotional way and he had changed someone's day, maybe even life.

Sherlock himself had been changing too, not that you noticed it yourself, he always acted incredibly considerate around you. You had gotten into a fight multiple times, but the were resolved fairly quickly. But John told you, and so did Lestrade and Molly that he was so being nicer to everyone, less arrogant and more communicative.

You had been changing too. Sherlock had made it his mission to help you get rid of the social anxiety. You had told him it wasn't possible, and it had made him even more determined, the asshole. He had been the one to start with the ridiculous challenges, for you though. It had started off calmly, buying a cup of coffee without stuttering, talking to the sales woman. Often you had found yourself in a state of panic and fear, but he had helped you out every time.

Now, after quite a lot of breakdowns and embarrassments you were starting to control it, you still felt anxious, but you were capable to think around it, not let it cloud your mind with negative thoughts.

You were also getting a bit more sarcastic, more confident of yourself. You didn't let yourself be pushed over anymore, and your sole purpose in life wasn't to please others anymore. You stood up for your rights and were able to have a bad day without having to fake yourself through it.

With Sherlock being more like you and you being more like Sherlock you had gotten incredibly close without you really noticing. You predicted each other's movements and thoughts, though you still had trouble with keeping up with Sherlock. It seemed like you were each other's shadows, but more independent. It was great.

You had been solving all the cases that were thrown to you together, and you had gotten more invested in other police matters, like robbery and non-killing stuff. Sherlock still was a bit stiff towards that, he enjoyed it less then catching a murderer.

'Lestrade called, he wants us in.' You yelled while pouring your coffee in your Starbucks take-away mug you had bought a while ago. You heard hurried ruffling and quick footsteps approach.

'Murder?' He asked excitedly with a glimmer in his eyes, already fetching his coat and doing that hot thing where he puts it on and adjusts his collar.

Uh. Hot?

'He didn't say.' You answered him, not really going into details, grossed up by your thoughts.

I have thought about him being pretty damn gorgeous before, but I've never described a simple action as hot.

'Boring.' He said as he took his scarf ad started fumbling with it.

What's up next (Y/N)? Thinking about his scarf? Pull yourself together.

I shouldn't be ridiculous; his scarf isn't hot.

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