Chapter 12:Boom clap the sound of my heart and bones because this is a car crash

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Sherlock's P.O.V.




Bloody hell, whatever (Y/N)'s doing should stop because those annoying sounds are almost waking me up.


My bed has become much more uncomfortable to lie on since yesterday


What a strange smell, rubber and disinfectant?


It smells like a Hospital.


Oh, I'm in a hospital.

Sherlock opened his eyes and was greeted by an unwelcome sight.

White ceiling, kind of bleached with TL-lights placed in it. It seemed to mock him as he stared up at it, tantalizingly lighting up the room but not all his questions. He tried to move his limbs one by one, in case he was tied down or paralyzed. Everything worked, except for his right arm, probably broken and casted.

He sat up, slowly, or else he would get dizzy or tired. He looked around himself, taking in every little detail in the room.

The deteriorated paint in the corners of the room, indicated that little people decided to take away their gaze from the bed with the patient in it. The same bed that Sherlock was lying in at the moment. But what had brought him there?

He thought for a long time, skimming through his most recent memories for something that could've harmed him. The only thing that came to his mind was that beautiful garden in that place where he had never been, though his mind hadn't really stored an extended file of information about the garden. It had focused itself on her.

She had been the first girl he had felt didn't know. At peace? Passionate? Comfortable? Attracted? He didn't even care. He knew that that was happiness, only because in his life had gotten multiple tastes of it.

The warm feeling he had gotten from thinking back to that wonderful moment was quickly ripped away from him by a concerned voice.

'SHERLOCK? Can you hear me? Sherlock?' John was almost shouting, bowed forwards towards the bed.

'Yes, John, I can hear you. Now stop shouting please before you give me an even worse headache.' Sherlock spoke with a rasping voice, slowly sitting up.

'I'll call the doctor.' John said rapidly, turning around and pressing the button that would alarm the nurses before Sherlock could complain.

'John, why am I here?' Sherlock asked sighing, really looking at his best friend for the first time that day.

John looked worn out, probably hadn't slept well that night, not for a fun reason, obviously.

'Well... How do I put this...' John pondered, his complexion looking worrisome.

'Just talk.' Sherlock said, leaning back in the bed and closing his eyes.

'(Y/N) and you got into a car accident, a drunken driver didn't see you and hit you full speed.' John said in one breath, bracing himself for the detectives reaction.


The heart rate monitor went mad the moment John had finished his sentence, Sherlock's eyes shot open and he propped himself up on his elbows, looking frantically at his best friend.

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