Chapter 2

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The week went by quickly since I started to get back in the swing of things. The only difference is that I don't remember most of the people and none of the memories that come with them.

Before I knew it, it's already Friday. School's been out for a few hours and I've just been sitting in my room. I've been writing everything I can remember down. Sadly it's not much. I only get snips of different things that don't make any sense to me.

Maya and I going on the subway for what seems to be the first time.

Me getting texts from someone who seems to be bullying me.

A younger version of Farkle and I running through a giant house.

I can't see anything, but someone's crying and someone else is laughing.

Maybe I can ask one of my friends what all of this means.

I groan and flop back onto my bed debating what to do next. My teachers are all still being very lax on the amount of homework they're giving me, so I don't have much to do. I could read but I'm just not feeling it.

What can I do?

I pull my phone out and scroll through my contacts. Farkle seems to be the most understanding of this whole ordeal. Maybe he'll be up to hanging out with me.

Dialing his number, I put the device to my ear.

"Hey Riles. Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just kinda bored."

I hear him get up. "Alright," he replied while shuffling around his room. "Do you want me to bring ice cream over or do you have some already?"

I'm immediately confused. Why do I need ice cream? I said I'm bored not heartbroken.

"Uhhh," I hesitate.

All of a sudden I hear the boy groan. "God I'm such an idiot. I'm sorry. It's just Maya's usually busy on Fridays so you would call me and we'd have a movie night with ice cream. I bring the movies and on occasion the ice cream."

"Oh," I say now understanding. "Yeah I'm okay with that. I'm pretty sure we have ice cream here, so just come over with the movies then."

"Alright. Be there in twenty."

"Okay. Bye."


I hang up and go over to my parent's room to let them know Farkle is coming over. They told me it's fine just not to stay up late. I went back over to my room and grab some pillows and blankets for us. Then I went to the freezer and pick out two pints of ice cream. I'm grabbing the spoons just as someone buzzes.

I run over and hear Farkle on the other end, so I buzz him through.

I open the door and there he is in black sweats and a black shirt which makes me feel more comfortable since I'm wearing leggings and an over sized shirt. He goes over to the couch and sets his bag down.

"So," he says turning to me. "I figured you'd want to try and jog your memories while having some fun, so I brought some of your favorite movies."

I walk over to him feeling touched by this. This guy is just so thoughtful. I look at the different movies he's pulling out. The one that sticks out to me the most is Tangled. I stare it at trying to remember it, by can only recall small bits of it.

"This one," I tell Farkle.

He takes it from me and puts it in. Then he picks up the ice cream I got for him and sits on the couch with me. We start to eat the ice cream, but I notice Farkle staring at me. I raise an eyebrow and he looks away.

"These are our favorite favors. I thought maybe you remembered," he explains trailing off.

My head pounds and I try to remember why I picked the chocolate for me and the cookie dough for Farkle.

"Riley, why don't you supply the ice cream from now on and I bring the movies?"

"Okay," I say with a laugh. "I seem to know what you like better anyways."

He throws a pillow at me and I just laugh even harder.


I'm snapped back to reality by my blue eyed friend shaking me. His eyes are filled with concern and I'm wondering why.

I shake my head. "What happened?"

He hugs me which shocks me, but I don't protest. "I don't know. You got this weird look in your eyes and you wouldn't respond. Please don't ever do that again," he begs me while stroking my hair.

"I'm sorry," I mumble.

He doesn't say anything, he just pulls away just enough to grab the remote and play the movie. I snuggle into my friend's shoulder and pull the blanket around us trying to get into the movie.

It's a cute movie that makes me forget what's going on in my life. The only problem with it is that I keep wondering which character I used to be like before all the bad things happened. Was I charming and adventurous or carefree and childish? Did I ask questions or did I keep to myself? Would I do anything for anyone or was I selfish? Who was I?

Who am I?

When the credits roll Farkle pulls out his phone and texts his parents to let them know he'll be on his way home soon. Even though he said he'd leave soon we don't move. I guess neither of us are ready to be apart. Especially if this feels like old times to Farkle.



Farkle shifts so that we're closer before saying, "I know that you probably don't remember the accident and you probably don't want to talk about it-"

"Farkle," I say sharply to cut him off. "I don't know what happened and my mom refuses to tell me. So even if I wanted to I can't tell you."

He stays silent for a moment just nodding and then stands. "I'm sorry, but I think I should go."

I nod and stand to walk him out. We go over to the door and he steps out. I wait for him to leave, but he stops and turns to give me a hug. I silently hug back knowing that words just aren't needed.

We pull away and he tells me to call him if anything happens. I assure him I will and let him walk off into the night.

Tonight's events make me wonder even more about that fateful day and everything I lost with it.

All That's Forgotten {RIARKLE}Where stories live. Discover now