Chapter 3

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I'm sitting at my desk wondering if I can get all my work done. I could've done it all last night, but I was a bit preoccupied.

My phone's buzzing stops me from doing any more work, or maybe saves me. I pick it up seeing that it's Maya. As soon as I answer she starts babbling.

"So I heard that you were at Riley's last night and I was wondering if you got to the bottom of what happened. I mean, I know she'll come to us when she's ready, but I can't stand not knowing what she went through. Honestly, all I want to is help in-"

"I know, but I don't know anything," I cut her off. "She said that she doesn't remember anything."

The line's silent for a long moment the she asks, "Will we ever know what happened that day?"

I sigh and lean back in my chair. "I don't know, Maya," I say honestly. "But I have to finish my homework, so I'll talk to you later."

"Okay. Bye."

She hangs up and I try and to continue doing my work, but I can't. My brain is stuck on Maya's question. Will we ever figure it out? There's no reason to keep quiet about it since Riley is living proof of what happened, so what's really going on?

I need to talk to one of her parents.

I grab my jacket and phone and tell my mom I'll be back in a few hours on my way out. I bound down the streets knowing this will most likely be a dead end, but I need to at least try to talk to her.

When I walk in I walk right up to the counter and ask Katy where Topanga is. She tells me she'll get her for me and just to wait outside. I do what she asks and wait. A moment later Topanga sits down next to me without a word. She stays quiet and I take that as a cue to talk.

"Why is Riley's accident being hidden away?" I ask quietly since I'm too scared to speak up.

The mother doesn't say anything. All she does is sigh which irritates me.

"It's not like we don't already know some stuff about it. We know that she was hit by a car, but we don't know the how or anything else really."

"Farkle," Topanga cuts me off wearily. "I'm not keeping it a secret. I'm protecting my daughter."

Confusion strikes me. "What do you mean?"

Topanga looks down at her hands before looking up at me. "I don't think I should tell you."

"And why not?" I question furiously.

"Because I can't have Riley knowing the truth," she snaps back.

People around as are staring, trying to figure out what's going on. Probably wondering why the son of the famous Minkus and the owner of the cafe are arguing.

At least that's what I would be thinking.

"I just want to know what happened. I want to help her get better," I explain calming myself down.

I've known Topanga my whole life and I could see in her eyes that if she told me something would happen. I'm not sure what it could be, but it's something.

"Fine," she sighs. "But you have to keep it from everyone. Not one person can know about this, especially Riley, and I'm going to need your help."

"I promise I won't tell anyone and I'll do anything I can to help."

She sits back and nods. "Then let me tell you a story."

I get comfortable in my seat and give the lawyer my full attention.

"Cory and I took Riley somewhere which is why you didn't see either of them that day. We decided that we would take the subway since it's faster than practically any other form of transportation. You already know that the subway isn't that far from our house, not more than a block and a half away, but on that day there was construction making us go the longer way, which was about three blocks.

"Riley was unusually quiet, so I stood on her left, the side closer to the street, and tried to talk to her. All of a sudden I heard Cory yelling at someone which made me stop and turn around. Next thing I know I hear Riley screaming at someone to get away from her, she's then laying in the street, and I'm yelling trying to figure out how she got there.

"Cory told me later that he could've sworn that he saw someone push our daughter and I have a feeling he's right. I need your help to figure out what happened."

I just sit there trying to understand what I was just told. Did someone really try to push Riley? Would someone, anyone really try to hurt this kindhearted girl?

"Mrs. Matthews, I understand why you would think that someone pushed her, but how could I help if a stranger might've done it?"

"Because it wasn't a stranger," she mutters looking down. "We were taking Riley see a therapist because she was getting death threats from an anonymous number."

I feel my breath being sucked out of me. Who the hell would threaten a sweet girl like Riley? More importantly why didn't she tell me?

Topanga stares at me knowing what I'm thinking. "She only told me and her father, and we told her to keep quiet about it until we had more information."

My brain started to turn as something clicked in my head. "You think someone close to her did this," I accuse.

"Unfortunately I do. The threats had things in them that only someone very close to Riley would've know."

I nod not sure what else I could say. I stand and say, "Thank you for telling me all of this. I promise I'll do whatever it takes to figure out who it is."

Topanga gives me a hug before whispers in my ear, "Watch your back, Frakle. I don't want you or anyone else getting hurt."

"Don't worry about me, I'll be careful. You just worry about keeping your family safe."

I step away and walk towards home. I need to think on everything I just found out. The one thing I can't stop thinking about just keeps coming back.

How can I trust anyone now if one of them could've murdered my best friend?

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