Chapter 14

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I finish putting my hair up in a ponytail when Maya, Smakle, Zay, and Farkle come in through my window. I turn to them and smile in a confused way.

"Now I know that Maya used to pick me up for school through that window, but all of you? That's new," I tell them.

Farkle chuckles and hugs me while the rest of them make themselves comfy on my, used to be made, bed. "We just feel better when we're all together," the blue eyed genius says.

Smakle mutters, "I think you mean safer."

Maya nudges her as I turn and give her a slight eye roll. I grab my backpack and walk out the window with them following behind.

When we get on the sidewalk I look to them and confidently say, "I get why you guys might feel unsafe, but I'm sure we're fine. I mean nothing has happened to any of you and I only got hurt that one time."

"You say only as if you didn't get hit by a freaking car," Zay chimes in.

I glare at him even though I know that he's just teasing.

"Look," Farkle cuts in before anyone can pick a fight, "I'm not saying that what happened to our sweet angle wasn't awful and scary, I just have to agree that we're pretty safe. As long as we're together."

"Yay you agree," I exclaim with a big smile.

He smiles back at me and takes my hand in his. That earns some playful eye rolls and fake gags from the other three, but Farkle and I just laugh.

We board the subway and before I know it we arrive at school. I pass my dad's room to find that he isn't there. I sigh. A piece of me was hoping he would be here so that I could talk to him, but I guess I can't.

"Let's wait for Lucas at his locker," Zay says to us while navigating through the crowd of people.

Oh yeah. I forgot we agreed to try and find out what the hell Lucas' with Charlie is.

Lucas is already there when we arrive and he smiles waving us over. We weave between our fellow sophomores before finally getting to our destination.

"Where were you guys yesterday? I feel like you're all going on adventures without me," the Texan tells us.

"Adventures," Maya grumbles, "That's one thing to call it."

It's now Smakle's turn to nudge Maya to tell her to shut up.

I make sure look the guy directly in the eyes and reply with, "A lot's happened, but before we tell you anything we need to know why Charlie's been over at your house."

His face falls before he can catch himself. We stare at him waiting for him to tell us what the hell is going on.

"Okay it's not what you think," Lucas insists. "He needed a place to stay and my mom and his mom are friends. I didn't know they even knew each other I swear, but I was going to tell you guys."

"When we're you going to do that?" Zay asks angrily.

I look at Zay and see the anger in eyes. The poor guy has known Lucas since forever and now he finds out that he's keeping secrets. It must feel like one of the ultimate betrayals.

"Well, he moved in like a month before the accident and they were in and out of the place a lot. I thought it would be best to tell you guys once they were for sure staying and then the accident happened," he explains in an unsure way.

I look at Farkle and he looks just as confused as I feel. How the heck should we know that he's telling the truth?

"Is he still there?" I question.

Lucas shakes his head. "No. He left a few days ago in the middle of the night. His mom doesn't know where he went and she's worried sick. We've done everything we can to find him, it's just not enough I guess."

We look at each other before nodding. Lucas isn't part of this. If he were he would still be trying to convince us that Charlie isn't here. Plus Lucas seems to be pretty relaxed and when almost everyone, at least everyone that I know, lies they get all tense.

I stare at everyone when my head feels like it's going to implode and everything begins to spin.

Various memories seem to torpedo around me and snap into focus so that I can grab them before they disappear.

All I want to do is be a cheerleader is that so bad?

"I'm am not nothing! I'm goofy and I'm weird that's what makes me unique."


"Congrats on the marriage Katy."

"The world is a cold, dark place Maya."

When it's over I stumble to the ground and rub my aching head. That's the most memories I've received in a long time and it hurt like a mother trucker. At least more things are coming back to me.

Farkle squats down beside me and holds me to him while I regroup myself. "You okay?" he whispers softly.

"Yeah," I reply. "Just remembered some stuff."

"That's good," Zay says cheerfully in a hushed tone. "I'm happy you're regaining your memories."

I smile up at him and everyone else and begin to stand with Farkle, whatever he may be to me right now, still holding me in his arms.

Then the lights shut out.

And sure the dark isn't all that bad, but the creepy music and screeching that comes over the intercom is horrifying.

All That's Forgotten {RIARKLE}Where stories live. Discover now