Chapter 11

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I can't believe both Zay and Riley found out about what's been going on. Zay knew since the accident that something was going on, but he couldn't put his finger on what until I yelled at Smakle. That probably wasn't my best moment, I just couldn't contain myself. I love Riley more than anyone or anything in the world and the thought of someone like Smakle, who pretends to be a friend and isn't, hurting her makes me want to break something.

I sigh as we climb through Riley's window to confront her dad about what's going on. Maybe he doesn't know anything and Riley's memory was just interpreted wrong, but if there's anything I've learned in the past few weeks it's that you rather be safe than sorry.

We walk into the living room to see all her dad watching tv. Riley breaks away from us and stands in front of the tv get her father's full attention.

He furrows his eyebrows at her and asks, "Is there something I can help you guys with?"

"Yeah," the girl says angrily, "Why did you teach us that lesson about bad things happening to good people?"

Her dad looks startled for a second before asking, "I taught you that a week before the accident. Have your memories been coming back?"

"That doesn't matter right now," Riley snaps, "I want to know why you taught us that lesson."

"Okay," he replies putting his hands up defensively. He takes a deep breath then explains, "At the time you seemed to slip back into that young, innocent child state of mind and I wanted to give you somewhat of a wake up call. I'm sorry if it made you think it was about something else."

I feel myself slouch with disappointment. If he does know anything then we don't really have any other leads.

"Well thanks anyways Mr. Matthews," I thank him while guiding Riley to her room with Zay trailing behind us.

As I close the door the brunette throws herself into the bay window seat. "That was a bust," she groans out.

"Not entirely," Zay insists.

Riley and I look at each other confused, but let Zay explain himself.

"I mean sure he didn't have answers like we had hoped, but that doesn't mean we don't have any other leads," he explains while leaning on her brick wall.

I stare at him trying to figure out what this could mean. We don't have much else to clearly go on except...

"Oh no," I screech while jumping up in front of Zay.

He smirks and replies with an on yes.

I flop onto Riley's bed in agony. Well not agony, more like fear and embarrassment.

"Um, does someone care enough to explain what's going on?" Riley asks catching our attention.

"Gladly," Zay says before I can, "We're gonna have a nice little chat with Maya and Smakle."

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