Chapter 26

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"I'm not going," I stand my ground with my mom.

She glares at me before nodding. "Fine. I don't know what I expected anyways. I just don't want you home alone, so call one of your friends to come over."

I smile and plop down on the couch. Even though my school has opened its doors and started teaching again, I'm not going for awhile. Not until I feel safe.

I pull out my phone and call Farkle.

"Hey Riles," I hear him say while moving about.

"Hey. I was wondering if you wanted to come over?"

It sounds like he dropped something, but he continues talking to me. "I would, but we have this little thing called school," he replies.

I roll my eyes. "You too? I'm not really up to going anywhere after the last incident."

He sighs. "Riley, you can't just stop loving your life. That's what he wants us to do, so don't let him win."

"Well, I guess he wins because there's no way in hell that I'm going to school today," I say sternly.

"Fine," he grumbles. "I'll come over after school. I really can't keep missing even with what's happening."

I mumble, "Alright. I'll see you then. Please stay safe."

"I will, you just worry about yourself. Love you."

"Love you too."

He hangs up and I'm laying on the couch wondering what I'm going to do for the day.

My brother walks into the living room dressed for school and ready to go until he sees me.

He asks, "Why aren't you getting ready?"

"I'm not going."

He crosses his arms over his chest. "But that's not fair. I have to go, so you should too."

I go to him and pick him up. I swing him toward the couch and pretend I'm going to throw him while I say, "I know. Life just, sucks doesn't it?"

He wiggles out of my arms and screams out, "Mom!"

Not a second later she runs into the living room to see what's going on. My mom asks, "What's wrong?"

"Why doesn't Riley have to go to school," Auggie whines.

"Because your sister is dealing with some crazy stuff right now and needs to be home where she's comfortable and safe," mother explains.

My brothers about to have a fit when I cut in. "Actually, Farkle can't come over and neither can the rest of them because they're going to school, so looks like I'm going."

I feel defeated but I don't want to be such a crybaby about this. My mom stares at me and I can tell that she's debating what to do. After a long pause she sits next to me on the couch.

"Come here my children," she says to us, "Looks like today is a sick day for all of us."

Auggie and I look at each other and smile. "Yayyy!" we cheer jumping next to our mom on the couch.

"Alright," she says to us through some laughs. "I have to make some calls first, but stay here."

She walks off and the two of us turn on the tv to watch a movie. We flip through the channel hoping to find something family friendly and Aladdin comes on.

I go to the kitchen to make popcorn. I put the freshly popped kernels in a bowl and sit with my brother who grabbed a blanket for us. My mom joins us after a few minutes and we watch it together.

It's nice to just hangout with my family. If there's anything I've learned recently it's to cherish every moment you get with your favorite people. Everything was already happening too fast and now it's going even faster. I don't what to do except cherish everything.

The movie ends and we end up putting in Mulan and then Merida. We jaded to watch these all he time.

I'm not going to lie. It's weird without my dad. I wish that he hadn't don't that. I wish my mom could forgive him. I wish I could forgive. I wish everything was different.

But it's not.

The movie ends and my moms about to order takeout when her phone rings.

She glances at her screen and frowns. "Stay quiet. It's your father."

I'm about to ask her to put him on speaker when she puts a finger to her mouth. She answers and puts him in speaker.

"Hello?" she answers annoyedly.


Maybe I was hoping for too much.

I hear my dad take a deep breath. "Please, can you forgive me?"

My mom looks at me and August before responding, "I don't think I can."

"No. No. Please. You have to understand that I was just trying to help her learn. I never wanted her to get hurt. I heard about Charlie, and words can't even explain what I feel. Just please, please forgive me."

I stare at my mom and mouth forgive him. As much as I want to stay mad, it's not going to get us anywhere.

She takes a deep breath and I notice her eyes fill with tears. "I'm sorry too. Because I just can't do it."

The line's silent and then I hear my dad's heavy breaths. "Than just remember that I love you and I love our kids. Protect them. Especially protect them from-"


The line goes dead and I stare at the phone waiting for something. Anything.

I look at my mom and she's full on sobbing her eyes out. She shakes her head as if that could stop what just happened.

My mom mutters, "No. No. No. Oh my god. No. Please be okay. Just... please."

I start crying as Auggie asks what happened. I don't know what to say to him.

How do you tell a kid their father is dead?

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