Chapter 13

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I can't believe that my dad actually had something to do with this. Smakle had to show me the chat just to prove that she's telling the truth.

The only memories that I have for sure right now are the memories of my family. Does that mean it's all been a lie? Everything that I've been working so hard to remember is just some made up bs, or is my father some psychopath that's into hurting his bloodline?

Now we we are walking back to my place even though it's pretty late because none of us can wait till tomorrow to get to the bottom of this. I lead everyone up the fire escape and into my room before going into the living room to find my whole family eating dinner.

My mom looks at all of us confused before saying, "Riles you should've told me that your friends are coming over for dinner."

I keep my face stone cold to prevent the tears from falling. "That's not why they're here, but you would know that wouldn't you historytoday?"

My father drops his silverware making a loud clattering noise. He looks up at us then to his wife before, surprisingly, breaking down into tears. I look to the rest of the group in shock to see they feel the same way. Zay puts a hand on my shoulder for support and I take Farkle's hand in mine for comfort.

"I swear I can explain," he stutters out between cries.

"Then do it!" Farkle shouts out making my dad

He puts his hands up in surrender. "Okay. As I told some of you earlier, a week before the accident I noticed that Riley was acting more childish again and I was running out of ideas on how to snap her out of it. Of course that lead me to the internet and after searching for hours I ended up on some website where you can talk to people about your problems or something like that.

"I chatted cgsoufflé  in hopes of him having a way to help you see the world as it is and he said that actions speak louder than words which is where I got the idea of having him pretend to rob me, but no one would get hurt.

"We set it up so that it would be the same day as your therapy appointment, but that's when I realized you aren't as naive as you've been pretending to be, if you can handle a bully on your own. By then it was too late to back out, so I figured that there's no harm in showing you the real world once again. 

"I swear I had no clue that someone was going to push you and it wasn't Charlie since he was 'robbing' me. If I had known that would happen don't you think I would've done something?"

He falls back into his chair and sobs. None of us know what to say because we get why he did it. At least I do. He's just a concerned father that wanted to show his daughter  the real world without anyone getting hurt so that she wouldn't get hurt. As much as I want to yell at him I know he's telling the truth.

I tear up a bit and turn away from everything and lean into Farkle. He holds me tight and whispers that everything will be okay.

No one else moves for a long moment until my mom jumps out of her chair causing it to fall over and make a loud clatter.

"You mean to tell me that you put our daughter in danger like that?" she shouts at him.

I hear my dad mumbles something about me not being in danger.

"Right. Say that to her scars from the glass and her memory loss from the amnesia," she hisses coldly.

"Guys," Auggie says, "Please don't fight I don't want you guys to fight."

I cry a little more. I forgot how this is all going to affect my little brother. He's just a kid that doesn't even understand what's going on. Now he has to watch out parents fight without any understanding.

Zay pats my back making me turn around and watch as he carries Auggie out of the room and into his. That doesn't stop my parents from arguing or the kid from asking what's going on.

Maya and Smakle slowly come up to Farkle and I and as much as I want to tell them to leave me alone I need all the support I can get right now.

"GET OUT!" my mother finally screeches at my father.

My dad nods sadly and then walks passed us teens since we are standing by the couch. He looks at me and whispers, "I'm sorry. I failed you."

He walks out and my mom goes over and locks the door. Probably to make sure he stays out.

My mom turns to me with sad eyes opens her arms. I go to her and cry. I'm not even sure why I'm crying. Maybe it's because my life has always seemed to have an underlying sadness to it, but I was hoping I was wrong.

"I'm sorry Topanga. I swear I tried to keep it from everyone, but-" Farkle starts.

"No," my mom cuts him off, "I think it's for the best that everyone knows. I should've realized that the only way to solve this is to work together."

We nod in agreement. I look at Maya and Smakle and tell them, "I'm not sure if we'll all still be friends when this over, but I know that we could use your help right now."

Maya's blue eyes burn into mine as she replies, "I'll do everything I can."

"Me too," Isadora agrees.

I look at Farkle and he nods. "We still have other leads."

"Yeah," Zay agrees coming over to us, "Like Lucas."

"What about him?" my mom asks. Then she puts her hands up, "You know what, catch me up later. Right now you all go home and get ready for school. If your parents ask say you had dinner here and then worked on a project. Wait, do you kids want dinner?"

We all politely decline. After everything that happened I think I'll just puke if I try to eat anything.

My mom nods and then opens the door for everyone to go. They file out and wave bye and I thank them for everything.

Farkle's the last one, but I stop him and give him a hug goodbye.

"I'm just a call away, okay?" he assures me.

"I know."

He pulls away and gives me a kiss on the forehead before leaving. I lock the door then double check that it's locked before looking to my mom.

"Go to sleep. I'll be right here. I promise nothing will happen to you."

"Thanks mom," I say to her and give her a small hug before going to me room.

I jump in bed and close my eyes, and to my surprise fall asleep immediately.

All That's Forgotten {RIARKLE}Where stories live. Discover now