Chapter 6

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Tomorrow is already Friday. I wasn't entirely sure how I was going to make it through this week, but I did it. Well almost considering that it's not quite over yet, but that's good enough for me.

I just got home from Topanga's because today I decided that I need to spend some time with my friends. They may annoy me almost all the time, but I know that they mean well. I actually had a really good time with them. They're all really fun when they aren't feeding me with information about our past. The best part was watching Maya and Lucas argue. They are just too freaking cute together! How are they not a thing yet?

I plop down on the couch debating if I should watch The Flash or Scream when a small figure jumps in my lap. Startled I see that it's my kid brother. He stares at me in a cute I'm confused about what's happening kind of way.

I put my arms around him and ask if there's anything I can do to help him.

"Yes there actually is," he tells me, "Can you please tell me when you'll get all of your memories back? I want to be able to go up to you and be like, 'Hey big sis. Remember that time when we played pirates on my room with Maya because mom and dad left us home alone?'"

I sigh because I really wish I had the answer, but I don't. "First off no I don't have any memories of us playing pirates. Second I'm not really sure. It could be tomorrow or it could be a few years."

Auggs stares at me for a long time letting what I said fully sink in. "Will you forget about me?" he asks in a fearfully.

I look down to avoid his sad gaze. I don't want to lie to him, he may be a kid and everything but lying won't help, but I can't tell him the truth. How can I tell him that I've had my memories of everyone I'm close with taken away from me? The few things I remember seem to be the worst parts of my life, and I doubt that I have any awful memories with him.

"I honestly don't know," I say carefully.

Aggie leans over and hugs me tightly. He doesn't say anything which makes me wonder what he's thinking about.

"Well it's a little okay if you do forget about me, just as long as you still love me. It's not like this is even your fault."

I give him a small, sad smile. "Thanks little brother."

I tell the kid to go finish his homework before mom and dad get back with dinner. He goes off as I start to set the table when there's a buzz at the door. I go over and buzz back to see who it is.

"It's Charlie."

I stand there trying to remember who he is. Nothing comes to mind, in fact out of all of the things my friends told me they failed to mention anyone by the name of Charlie or Charles.

"Sorry I don't know a Charlie," I say through the intercom.

There's nothing but silence for the next few moments. "Okay. I just wanted to say I heard about the accident and I hope you get better soon. See you around Matthews."

And with that he was gone.

I don't move for what seems to be forever, but before I know it I'm having dinner and going to bed so I won't look too tired at school tomorrow.

"Riley," I hear Farkle call as I head to our third period.

I stop before entering the lab. "Yes?" I ask looking into his captivating eyes.

He smiles and we walk into class together. "Just wanted to see how my partner's holding up."

I sit on the stool and shrug. I lean towards him and quietly tell him about Charlie.

Farkle's eyes fill with anger and he mutters something about self-absorbed jerks.

I tilt my head and ask, "Who is he?"

The boy shakes his head and says, "Long story short in eighth grade he used to like you, but you liked Lucas. Even though you liked Lucas you went out with Charlie, but things didn't work out. Didn't work for as friends either and then last year he just disappeared for awhile. This year he came back and heard you were single, which wasn't true, so he tried to make a move on you at one of Zay's out of control parties. You kicked him in the balls to get away. We all helped you stay away from him since."

I frown. If the last time I saw him I kicked him in his, uh, sensitive area, why is he visiting me and hoping I get better? What the hell is my messed up life?

That's when I realized Farkle said I wasn't single.

"Farkle," I whisper to get my the boy's attention as the teacher takes attendance.

He hums a response and I mumble, "If I wasn't single, then who was my boyfriend?"

I swear this is the most I've ever heard him mutter profanities.

"I can't be the one to tell you."

"Why not?"

He sighs. "Riles, I just can't."

That doesn't make any sense. If it was some guy we don't talk to anymore that I won't even remember, why won't he tell me? "Was it someone I know? Like met after the accident."

"Yes," Farkle hisses as we get out our notebooks.

I pick out a purple pen and say, "Then why can't I know?"

"Because I don't want things to be awkward between you two," he explains.

"I promise I won't be awkward."

He looks into my eyes for a long moment before finally caving in. I can tell that he really rather not tell me, but the genius probably figures he can't keep it from me forever.


I grin happily. Why didn't anyone think to mention that I had a boyfriend? Especially since the relationship happened not all the long ago.

Farkle reaches over and places his hand under my chin so that I can look him in the eyes.

"It was me."

All That's Forgotten {RIARKLE}Where stories live. Discover now