The black out

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I am Kyle and I am how you say unique. I was raised by my sisters and great grandmother so I was naturally to protect women and oneday I was walking with a friend Britney to go home when a known thug by the name of Bret pulled me and Britney into an abandoned home and had his goons Marcus and Josh restrain me as he hits me as he says "you beat up my man and sent him to the hospital" after they all take turns beating me Bret turns to Britney and says " I'll take this little slut and rape her" I say "not a chance in hell you lowlife" he comes up and punches me in the face then his boys let me go and I get up and wipe the blood from my nose,and stare at Bret and his three friends. I have studied their movements as they have been beating me and now I know where to hit. I switch to my agility rather than attack because their weak points are exposed.
I run past Markus hitting him in the rear left knee where he has a broken bone,and as he is down my body moves on its own at this point and I snap his neck killing him.
Bret and his two other friends stare in fear as I tear Markus's head off and his blood squirts on my face as my eyes go wide and I black out.....................*loses control*..............

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