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I am awakened by a loud buzzing sound as my door opens and ten armed guards step in aiming guns at me. A fimular face steps in after the guards. I say to the man "why the hostility ..... Marty?"
Marty replied "its just precaution kyle... Or are you Jimmy right now?"
I say "am I charging at you right now?"
Marty says"no"
I say "then I'm Kyle"
Marty replies "how are you old friend?"
I say "I'm not an old friend .... Not anymore. I am not good".
Marty was the owner of this lovely place called Marty Ruchi's Maximum Security Asylum for special psychos
When I was 19 I met Marty and helped him design this asylum. It was designed to be the perfect asylum that could withstand anything

Marty asked me " you know someone escaped through the ventilation right?"
I said "all ventilation lead into a separate part of the courtyard in the large brick building"
Marty tells a guard to come here and whispers something in his ear and the guard quickly rushes out
Marty then turns back to me saying "your being transfered to gen pop"
I said "they bother me I'm not sure if I can fight jimmy"
Marty replies "I know its hard but its time"
Marty begins to help me up stopping the guard who reaches to help

Marty escorts me down a long white hall as we are escorted by 5 armed guards
He tells me things in his life are good but I don't respond only listen.


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