Getting my own place

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I woke up and began to stretch and rubbed my shoulder very sore "ughhh... I feel as if I have just died and went to hell......again" I said as every bone in my body poped as I stretched. I got up but couldn't find the Angel, I got very worried and began to look around for her but nothing. I sighed "please don't tell me she's been kidnapped again" I said walking out the door and the sun hit my face blinding me causing me to cover my face, I went back inside remembering one of the guards had a pair of sunglasses. I found the man who had a knife sticking out of his forehead, "you tried to do good... But ended badly I guess that's what evil gets" I said taking the jetblack glasses off of his face and putting them on, then pocketed the knife. I walked outside and looked around and saw that I was in a small side alley, I saw a man holding his side as blood soaked his white shirt and sky blue pants "you OK friend?" I asked, next thing i knew the man fell on his knees and coughed up blood before falling on his side and remained motionless "fuck everyone is fucking murderous in here" I said to the dead man. I stretched again and continued on my way to find the angel, I walked through a building and found myself in the marketplace, quickly I grabbed onto the handle of my knife tightly in case anyone tried to attack me. I suddenly get very light headed and dizzy, then everything goes black, light peirces through the darkness as if coming for me, I open my eyed to be on my knees covered in blood with many corpses beside me

(Canceled here

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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