Thirst is a curse

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I was in complete darkness again. The memories of the wrong I've done comes and haunts me like always. I suddenly jolt awake to the touch of movement on my shoulder. I realise it was the anger shivering so I lay down and pull her next to me and take my suit overcoat off and unzip the hidden zipper that makes it a blanket and I cover her. Man it was a good idea to invent this.My throat feels dry so I go to find some water for me and the angel. After walking out to the courtyard to the gate where the guards stand and asked them for some water for me and a friend who went to sleep. The guards gave me one bottle of water and said as he lowered his head in shame"your friend has to come here to get it we are very sorry". I reached my arm through the opening and placed my hand on his shoulder to comfort him as I said "life has its rules don't be ashamed to follow them to be able to protect your family" as the other guard pointed his gun at me saying "hands off now psychopath". I took my hand off and pulled back through and lowered my head and said " why do people see me as a psychopath I am different yes but the other side of me is the psychopath" as I punched the brick wall out of anger causing it to crack then slowly walked away fighting tears back. I return to the building where the angel slept and walked in to find two guys in black trying to pick her up. I quickly ran up and kicked one in the chest shattering his ribs and punched the other in the throat making him gasp for air. Before I could kill the second man a third man came up and stabbed a needle into my throat and I shoved him off before he could inject it. By the time I had thrown the third man the second distracted me as the third came up, they both came at me at the same time forcing me back against the wall as the first guy injected the syrum from the needle into my throat. I swung to keep them away as my vision blurred and heard this sleight ringing in my right ear. The last thing I saw was the floor getting very close to me before I passed out.


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