Return of Fear

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I am in complete darkness,unable to move,unable to speak,all the thoughts I think are said in a voice through the darkness. I am aware that I am dreaming, I know because I can hear noises far away, so faint as if the noises are escaping a wormhole to another dimension. I would awaken but I cannot, I cannot move or speak, only think. I hear the scream of the angel I save and I jolt awake as if the chains keeping me asleep have snapped. I sit up ready for a fight and am quickly retrained by two large men. A third man comes and kicks me in the head two times saying " I assume you are the one that has killed my men and taken my bitch" I say "you will not refer to women in such a manner and no harm will come to that woman if you do again you will die" as I scan the room for the angel and see her being restrained by one large man. The man says "me? The boss of this joint killed by the likes of you?" He laughs like a mad man " I love a tuff guy" and then he kicks me in the head again "how can you save her if you can't save yourself?" And I reply "by killing these two goons and then the third and then making you suffer" and he laughs and comes to me with a pocket knife ready to slit my throat. The angel says "no don't hurt him please" and the man stops and looks at the angel and walks up to her and back hands her "shut your mouth bitch" I say in a calm voice " I gave you a chance not to die and now you messed up" he comes to me and punches me again telling me "shut your damn mouth" as my head goes back and returns with a smile on my face. I say " do you know what fear is?" The man says "yeah I'm fear I make everyone quake in my presence" I say "no that's where you are wrong I only fear one thing in this world and soon you will see why I fear myself but I ". The man laughed as I closed my eyes realising my beast within but keeping control. When my eyes open I have great strength and throw the two large men that were holding me down as if they were paper. The third man screams in fear and trues to run but I pick up a pebble off the floor and throw it at his leg and he falls holding his leg bleeding. I walk to the man restraining the angel as he hits the side of my head with a pipe cracking my skull and splitting my head but I stand there still and cock my head to the side staring at him before grabbing his arms and tearing them both off and stabbing one through his head and throws the second at the other two who were trying to run away impaling them and pinning them against the wall. I see the man trying to crawl out the door but I walk up and drag him back inside as he screams. I say to him "you were given a chance and now you've made me let out the side I fear" as I begin punching him with low force which to my surprise is still breaking his bones.
The angel comes up leaning on me saying "please don't kill him. Yes he is a bad man but doesn't deserve to die" I stop punching the man and close my eyes taking deep breathes to calm down then I begin to cry and go to the corner as the angel comes and sits next to me putting her head on my shoulder and falls asleep.


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