The Mistreated Angel

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My body feels numb as I look up and to my right as two men are standing over a girl with their hands on the girl rubbing her as she pleads them to stop.
I stand up and walk to them and say "you have three seconds to stop as she has requested"
They both turn around as their bonners rub on my black jeans as the fat one says "or what?"
After three seconds is up I let loose allowing Jim to take control.
I grab him by the throat and squeeze snapping his neck.
I turn towards the other that is skinny and tall who says "I'll kill you for that" as he pulls out a knife slashing at me as I step to the side and punch my hand into his back .To my surprise my fist goes through his chest as I grab his heart and pull it out and throw it on the ground.
I walk up to the girl "you OK?" She looks at me crying and hugs me saying "thank you... Thank you so much". I see something to her left and right and I look at to the sides and am shocked.
" a-are those wings? " she says "yes you should go before their boss sees you "
I reply by saying "no" as I take the stakes from her wings and break the chain around her wrist. She stretches her wings grunting in pain from the wounds. We walk into an old abandoned room on the outer point of the court yard.
She says "shall I pleasure you for saving me its what they all want?" I say "n.... No I'm not like others your not a slave anymore your free"
I lay down looking at the ceiling as she lays next to me saying "I am?" I replied "yes you are"


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