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I hear the screams of fear from my friend Britney as I come to.
The sun is bright as it comes through the window so I lift my hand to shield my eyes. Blood drips onto my face from my hands as I quickly open my eyes when Britney is looking at me in horror.
I look around to find  three mangled bodies around me as I'm covered In blood
On the wall next to me is a word written in blood.
A word the side of me I fear knows what he is. The word on the wall is "FEAR".
I get up to go to Britney to ask if she is ok but she looks in horror as if I'm a monster and quickly runs away screaming " stay away from me monster".

I fall to my knees and stare at my blood covered hands devastated by what I am, a monster.
I have four sides of me that no one knows.
My shyness is Josh.
My anger is Jim
My passion and caring is Kyle
My psycho is Jimmy.

I am kyle and I am the original.
The others were just the part of me I casted away, but they never left but instead formed into different personalities.

I hear sirens in the distance and I stay put
I let jimmy take control and now I suffer for it

Fukitsuna shinri (Sinister Psycho) (Closed)Where stories live. Discover now