The Crazed Doctor

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I begin to force my eyes open as a ray of light shines directly in my eyes causing a burning feeling, so I try to lift my arm to shield my  eyes, but I can't. My body feels like jello.... I......I CAN'T MOVE......... WHY CANT I MOVE?

****twenty minutes pass****

I am exhausted,in pain,bleeding,and tired. I gave up on fighting the restraints about three minutes ago. My adrenaline levels drop as my pain receptors begin to come alive screaming in pure agony. As I lay there on the cold metal table I remember the Angel and I begin to feel this feeling that I have never felt as my body begins to fight the restraints on its own.

The restraints are so close to breaking as footsteps approach and a soft and gentle voice says "please don't break my beautiful toy" and before I know it a man with blue eyes and a scar stretching from his left side of his throat to the right side. My eyes widened with fear as I looked into his eyes, they were wide with fear,hatred,anger, and something else ..... Something not human. He looked as if he was staring into my very soul. He began to walk to a table nearby and lifted up a blanket revealing metal tools, all looked like tools a doctor would use "w.....where am I?" To that he turned around so quickly that if he had turned any quicker his clothes would have vaporized and leaned over me smiling "I am a huge fan of yours that's who". A confused look grew on my face and he smiled and stood up straight and began to pace around "you are kyle,age unknown, also known as the grey king,also known as shadow, son of satin am I right?". Who the hell is this guy and how does he know all of this about me? The strange doctor man looked towards me and with a murderous smile "I bet your wondering why I know so much about you" I lay there curious "well let's just say we go way back... To be quite frank I'm surprised you don't remember the man who tried to kill you" he stops his pacing "you are the one who banished me from Ragnarock yourself, that is after giving me this beautiful souvenir" he comes to me and shows me the scar on his throat. Laughing like a madman at this point "you could have done a better job at killing me" he whistles and after a few seconds pass I hear the doors burst open and an wheels, as I look trying to see what's going on the sound stops right behind the table I lay on. The doctor pulls a lever under the table and the upper half jolts up making the table a chair and then he turns the chair around and I am now facing the angel. As I begin to fight the restraints again to free the Angel and tend to her new wounds that now cover her face and her almost nude body. The angel is unconscious but comes to and lifts her head to look at me "It's OK friend if I die here then I will no longer exist and no one will care" with tears of blood in my eyes "I WILL CARE GOD DAMN IT" after I say that the angel begins to cry. The doctor looks at the angel "I'm sorry to break up this reunion but I have some suffering to cause to an old friend, you understand don't you?" The angel sits there quietly not bothering to fight against her chains. Turning towards the three men in the room "chain him up if you'd be so kind" one of them pulls out a hand gun and aims it at the doctor and says "I...I'm not going to do this I can't let you kill an Angel..... It's just not right" the doctor looks down putting his face in his hand "what a waste" I hear a loud thud,followed by a clanking sound as the man hits the ground with a blade sticking out of his forehead and the gun lands to the ground beside him as I look at the doctor who's arm is now outstretched. The other men work fast to bind my wrist,ankles,and throat with chains, as the doctor pulls the scalpel from the corpse laying on the ground and walks to the angel and looks at me "time to hurt her". I bang at the restraints as he brings the scalpel towards the angel and stops right as he touches her skin drawing a few drops of blood. He turns towards me with a half cocked grin and smiling like a madman " time for you to watch your friend die" he said as he jammed the scalpel into her side and pulling it out as she grunted and blood oozed out from the wound. I felt myself losing control to Jim for a minute but I pleaded with him to let me handle this and he did, a dark mist began to fill the room "YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT" I said in a demonic voice that boomed throughout the room. Blue flames rose from my entire body melting the chains and chair that held me captive, one of the henchmen grabbed a pipe and swung at me multiple times as the other pulled the gun and began to shoot me. I grabbed the pipe melting it instantly as i caught the bullets from the air then seized the man by the throat and tore off his head as his soul flew out towards Ragnarock,then I turned towards the one with the gun and flicked a bullet at both his legs,then his arms, then finally at his throat. My gaze turned to the doctor who was standing there frozen in fear "I was wrong to banish you...... You needed to go to a place full of pain" I said as my stomach twisted into a portal as I reached my hand into it and pulled out a Katana that had a very dark Ora about it. The doctor fell on his butt crawling "t....that can't be it.... That can't be the legendary sword of wakusei.... can't be" I slowly approached him as blue flames dripped from me onto the floor burning it "IT IS" I said in a demonic voice. He began to scream in fear as he turned to his knees and began to crawl away at a faster Pace until he got to the corner which he turned backed into the corner to face me "please have mercy oh great shadow,son of satin" I stopped and pulled the sword of wakusei from its scabbard  him to feel agony as he screamed in pure pain. (The sword of  wakusei is a legendary sword given to shadow by satin. The sword sends all who are wounded by this sword to be sent to Kurushimi no wakusei also known as  the planet of agony).
"I know no mercy"  I said as I staved the demon once named  in the chest causing his body to vaporise and be sent to Kurushimi no wakusei. My flames died down as soon as I killed Ishi ni kansha suru and I quickly ran over to the angel and released her and later her on the ground as she looked up at me very weak "I am going to die now friend and you will be the only one who will miss me" I began to cry as my tears rose into a ball floating above the dieing angel " cant be" she said as she realised the orb of blood "what?" I said looking up wiping the remaining blood from my face "it was said to be a myth though" she said "w...what was?" I said confused "you are born of both god and satin look at the healing orb of your tears... Only a son of god can have healing tears" I followed her gaze to find the blood orb and stare at it in astonishment. The orb began to lower and cover her and I began to freak out as beams of black and blood red shot from her body, now covered in a thick layer of blood. The blood disappeared and her wounds were gone,but she was unconscious, my eyes weighed heavily as I felt myself falling asleep. I fell to my side next to the angel, as I finally closed my eyes and got some well needed rest.

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