Chapter 1: The Fall/Run

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Adawolfa's P.O.V.-

It's been ten years since Levi broke his promise to me, and ten years since I last saw him. He should be 25 by now, well unless he somehow got himself killed. Alice and I are 17 now so we'll be able to move out and live our own lives soon, well we hope so anyways. Today it's sunny and peaceful, no one is screaming and shouting at anyone and we're not being picked on by the other ones our age. We're actually just collecting some of the flowers our aunt requested for our house since he claims that she might have found us both a suitor that will give us a better life and will save our family.

I sighed thinking about it and plucked on of the flowers in the field and put it in the basket while the wind knocked the hood on my cloak came off my head. Mine and Alice's eyes widened as we heard two kids a lot younger than us point my hair out. I quickly put the hood back on, grabbed Alice's hand and the basket and ran away from the two kids. We eventually stopped running and walked to another patch of flowers and sat down and started plucking the flowers we need. "Adawolfa why don't you just show your hair and eyes?? They're so pretty and I'm sure everyone would love to see them," Alice said. I sighed and held the flower in my hand and stared at it. "I told you to just call me Ada for now on. I've been telling you that for ten years now, and because everyone will just think I'm a freak," I whispered. I don't usually whisper, but when I do it's because somethings bothering me. Alice just sighed and lifted my head up and gave me a small smile. "Come on, lets go back home. I think we have enough flowers anyways," she said doing her closed eyed smile that can make anyone happy. I smiled softly back and got up. "Alright lets go home then," I said. I helped her up and we headed back home.

On the way there we saw the Survey Corps coming back so we decided to stop and watch. I put the basket down and saw a small boy having trouble seeing. I smiles and picked him up and let him rest on my shoulders. I was shorter than most people so I had to stand on a create with Alice. The boy smiled down at me which made me chuckle a little. "Thank you miss," he said. I smiled and nodded. "No problem kid," I said. He looked up at the Survey Corps walking along and riding their horse along the road. They were quiet, deathly quiet. I sighed and asked the boy to pull down the hood since it was getting really hot. He pulled it down and then readjusted himself and smiled. "Your hair is really pretty miss," he said. I quietly gasped and then smiled. "Thank you, you're one of the only people that think so," I said. He kissed the top of my head and continued watching the Survey Corps go by.

An old lady started looking for her son only to find out that all that was left was his hand and after talking for a little bit caused the soldier have a break down. I heard some ruckus around us so I looked and saw Eren Jeager and Mikasa run off. I shrugged a little and looked back and it was as if time stood still when I did, because as soon as I did I saw him.

I saw Levi.


After it was done I sat the little boy down and he ran back to his mother and Alice and I went back home. Once we got there we put the basket down on the table and went to our room and changed. Once I was dress I put my cloak back on and we went downstairs where we found our aunt and uncle fighting. Our uncle stormed out of the house and we ran over to our aunt and hugged her. She told us everything and we calmed her down enough for her to stop crying. She put both of our heads in her hands and smiled a little. "I'm so proud of you two, you've made it so far and turned out to be so beautiful just like your mother. You're both fierce and strong like your father and you both have the same dream as them both. To join the Survey Corps. If you want to join really badly then go ahead and join," she said kissing both our foreheads. 

She's known about us wanting to join since we were little but we never were able to because of our uncle. He always thought that it was inappropriate for us to join despite there already being girls that join. We both hugged her and kissed both of her cheeks making her smile. "Oh and before I forget I want to give you two something," she said. We let her go and gave her confused looks as she took her necklace off and put it on me and grab our mothers necklace off of the table and put it on Alice. "As you know your mother and I were twins as well so for our birthday one year our mother and father gave us these and I think you two deserve them more," she said. We gave her a bigger hug and kissed both her cheeks again and said thank you. It was a nice moment, but it was ruin by our uncle coming back.

As soon we heard him our aunt made us go out the backdoor and gave Alice her cloak since she tends to forget it. She gave us instructions to run away and not come back no matter what. So we did as we were told and ran away. We ran from the house to the main part of town where we found everyone stopped and looking up at the wall. We were confused at first until we saw a titan show its head above the head. "B-but that's impossible, the wall is 50 meters tall," I said with wide eyes.  I grabbed Alice's hand as the titan kicked a hole in the wall, which caused us to fly back a little ways together. Building were destroyed because of it and the titans started coming into the wall.

We heard someone yell about the titans coming in so we ran, but we ran towards our house. We ran towards our aunt. But when we got there the house had crashed down and our aunt was no where to be seen. "No, no, no, NO!!" I yelled as I started to go through the rubble crying, "NO SHE CAN'T BE CRUSHED AND DEAD!! SHE JUST CAN'T BE!!" I felt the steps of a titan come close and someone pull me back. I saw someone from the Garrison take the titan down and another member from the Garrison picked both me and Alice up and ran with us in their arms. I don't know who it was but I didn't care. I just kept watching behind us, watching as a couple of titans go through the rubble of what was once our home and pick up our aunt and uncle and eat them.

My eyes went from big to normal and completely emotionless. I turned back around and put my head down on the one carrying us. Once he put us down when we were safe I kept my head down which cause him to lift my head up so I can look at him. It was our cousin, Luca. He had tears in his eyes and he hugged us both. Once he let us go, he grabbed our hands. "Come on let's get you two to the boats," he said. We walked beside him quietly. "Did she give you two the necklaces?" Luca asked. "Yes she did but then uncle came back and she shoved us out the back door and told us to run and not come back no matter what," Alice said. He nodded and we walked the rest of the way in silence.

Once we got to the boats he got us on and then went to the other wall and started helping prepare the canons. I sat down with Alice beside me and put my hood on once I felt everyone staring at us. Alice sighed and held my hand as we took off. We were sitting by Armin and his grandfather, we know them and Eren's family because we used to watch Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. "Ada why don't you take your hood off??" Armin asked. I sighed and looked down. "Because people were staring when I had it down," I whispered. "They're staring because they think it's pretty," he said smiling. I looked at him and smiled softly back and took the hood down. "I guess you're right," I whispered.

I ended up staying quiet the rest of the time and when we got to the Trost district we got off with Armin, his grandfather, Eren, and Mikasa. We all stayed together, even when Armin's grandfather went off to the military and never came back. That following year we registered for the military and went into training. Levi always told me that I couldn't join it, even made me promise that I wouldn't. But of course I ended up breaking it, just like he broke the promise he made me.

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