Chapter 7: Join The Club

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-A Long Ass Time Later-

-Ada's P.O.V.-

It's been a long time since I've woken up from that weird coma thing everyone keeps saying I was in. I feel like they're hiding something form me though. I keep shrugging it off but that feeling keeps coming back though. I hate feeling this way, I hope I can find out what they're hiding from me soon. Anyways, there's this ball or something for all of the everyone in the military and we were told that we had to come.

I threw the dress over my head as Mikasa twirled around in her dress. They were both simple but neither of us really enjoyed were them. "Hmm it's pretty but I really do not want to wear it," she said. I agreed as my sister came in the room gracefully. "Alice, how can you walk in this?" I asked. Her dress was one of the poofy ones. She shrugged and helped me fix mine. "I guess it just comes natural to me," she said. I nodded and sat down on my bed. "Has Levi told you when he's coming to get you?" both girls asked. I closed my eyes and shock my head. "He hasn't told me shit," I mumbled.

I sighed and sat back up as Alice handed me the shoes I had to wear. The shoes Historia wanted me to wear because she thought they would go perfect with my dress, that she once again wanted me to wear. I put them on and looked in the mirror. I actually looked really pretty honestly. I twirled around in a circle and I smiled a little. "I actually rock this dress," I said. Both girls agreed and they both rocked theirs as well. There was a knock on the door as Mikasa was putting her shoes on. Alice opened the door to reveal Jean and Eren. "We're here to pick up our girls," Jean said smiling at Alice. Mikasa and Alice ended up walking out with the two boys and left me alone.

I sighed and sat on my bed and looked into the mirror. Levi hadn't came and got me yet so I was just sitting her bored. I looked over at the white dress that I woke up in and oddly enough it seemed very familiar to me. I walked up to it and felt it. It was made of silk and lace. It was like a ghost girl's dress, and it was defiantly from Wall Sina. It was way too nice for any of the other walls. But who would give such a dress for me to be in?

I ran my hand over the dress until I felt a small hidden pocket. I reached into the pocket and I felt something inside. I grabbed what was inside and I was right about it being from Sina. The item that was hidden inside was an emerald and sapphire necklace. It was a teardrop shape and the emerald was on the right and the sapphire on the right. It took me a little bit to realize that this looked familiar. I couldn't remember where I've seen it though. I heard a knock on my door and I quickly put the necklace on as the door opened. I turned around to see Levi. He was standing there in a black suit, white button up shirt, dress shoes and his ascot. "Ready to go?" he asked. I smiled as he held his hand out and nodded. "Yeah I am ready," I replied. I grabbed his hand and we left my room, me shutting the door behind me, and we went outside to the carriage that we had.

He helped me into the carriage and then got into the carriage himself. We sat next to each other and he of course still had the same cold expression I've learned to love. Reading his emotions aren't as hard anymore though, in fact it's gotten easier. I looked up at him and smiled a little, this was what I wanted, he was what I wanted ever since I was a little girl. He noticed me staring and I quickly looked away blushing a little. I heard him chuckle and he pulled me close. "We've been at this since we were little and you still get really shy around me and blush when I catch you staring," he said. He lifted my head to look at him and I noticed his slight smile. He doesn't smile much, but when he does it either means something bad or something sincere. He leaned down and closed his eyes until I felt his lips on mine making me close mine. We stayed like that until we both pulled away.

I smiled at him and his normal cold expression softened up. I laid my head on him and he wrapped his arm around me. It didn't take long for us to get there afterwards. We felt the carriage stop and the carriage driver got off and opened the door for us. Levi got out first and then helped me out. We were at the castle which made me smile a little. Levi let me wrap my arms around his arm and we walked inside. Once inside, almost everyone immediately noticed us which made me burrow my head into Levi a little. We walked towards where Hanji and Erwin was and Hanji started to fangirl over how I looked. But the moment didn't last long because I was quickly pulled away by someone. I looked back to see an older man, he had silver hair from what I could see. I saw that in his other hand was Alice. She looked scared, in fact I think she was scared. I looked back to see both Levi and Jean running after us.

I reached my hand back towards the two boys and they started running faster towards us. "I'm not about to loose her again you bastard!" Levi called out. Again? What did he mean by again. It's not like I ever died or anything. I mean I do remember someone giving me something saying that it'll make me better. That was a couple of days before I passed out. In fact, the guy that's dragging Alice and I away looks like him. "Your mother shouldn't have let you two go live with your aunt, you would've had such a better life and wouldn't be in the survey corps," the man said with a ruff but smooth voice. I tried forcing my hand away but his grip had gotten tighter. "You're coming back with me," he said. I looked back at him and noticed us getting closer to a door. I looked back and noticed that more people have started chasing me and Alice with Levi and Jean. "Levi!" I called out finally as we went through the door that shut behind us. I looked around us and saw that we were in the garden in front of the castle. The front doors slammed open and both Levi and Jean busted into a fast sprint. They finally caught up to us and I grabbed ahold to Levi's hand as Alice grabbed onto Jean's hand.

They both yanked us away from the man and protectively pushed us behind them. "Who the hell are you?" Levi demanded. The man turned around to show blue eyes that looked exactly like Alice's. He was tall, had silver longer hair, bright blue eyes that could scare anyone away, and just looked intimidating. "I'm their father," he said. I froze and stared at me. "What?" I asked walking past Levi and to in front of the man. "You are our father?" I asked. He nodded and smiled softly at us. "And you thought that it was such a great idea to basically kidnap Alice and I at a ball for the military?" I asked. "It was the only time I could get you two," he replied.

"You are a complete idiot. Wait, no you're beyond that. Because even an idiot would know better than to try and take someone from a military ball that has the garrison, mp, and survey corps attending. No instead someone much stupider would ever think to do that and carry it out," I growled. He was taken back and I had a feeling that Jean and Alice were also. Maybe I've been around Levi too much. I shrugged when he didn't say anything and was about to grab Levi and head back inside when he said something that perked my interest. "I was the one that sold you that vile and said it was going to make you feel better," he said. I turned around smirking and sighed. "Yeah well it didn't work. No instead it put me in a coma and eventually made everyone think I was dead. It slowed my pulse down that much. Honestly everyone thought I didn't know but I a lot smarter than what everyone thinks and know how to figure anything I want out," I said.

He was taken back again until he straightened up and started laughing a little. "That was exactly what I wanted. That white dress you woke up in, that was from me, that necklace you're wearing. Again that was from me, but it was also your mother's to represent you and your sister," he said. I walked up to him and slapped him with no expression on my face. "You stay the hell away from us, otherwise you will have the entire survey corps after your pathetic ass," I growled. I turned around and grabbed Levi's hand and started walking away. Jean and Alice followed suit shortly after.

Waiting for us in front of the castle doors was Historia and others. I smiled at them and waved. They all seemed to sigh in relief as Alice and I proved to them that we were alright. We both looked back and saw the man who claimed to be our father gone. We all went inside right after and went back to what we were doing. I stood by Levi the entire time and I couldn't help but smile at the fact that he is mine. It meant everything to me, he meant everything to me.

He looked at me and smiled a little. Me being confused looked at the others and saw they were smiling as well, but a sad smile. I felt a small tug and saw Levi pulling me towards him. This time he had a sad smile on him. Now I'm very confused. I followed him out to the garden in front of the castle to a certain flower bed. They were white flowers that glowed blue in the moonlight. "Levi what's wrong?" I asked. He looked down and sighed. He looked back up me and he had tears in his eyes. He grabbed my hands and looked me in the eyes. "Ada that vile didn't put you in a coma that you woke up from. It actually killed you," he whispered. "What?" I asked with my voice cracking. "You're dead Ada, and it's time that I let you go. It's not fair to you that I do this to you," he whispered.

I couldn't believe that, I was dead? But how? Why? That was impossible though, how can I be dead. I'm alive, I heart a pulse and I can breath air so how? How is that possible? "Ada I'm sorry, I should've told you sooner but I just couldn't," he whispered. I felt my eyes start to well up from tears and I felt one fall down my face. "How, how am I dead though?" I asked myself. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and I looked up to see Levi.

"It's time I finally let you go."

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