Chapter 2: Bang Bang

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-Adawolfa's P.O.V.-

We went into training a year after we all registered, but that was around two years ago. So in other words we've been in training for two years and I have to admit that it's been really great. I actually love this, but I don't think Alice does though. In fact lately she's been more distant towards me and the others. She's keeping to herself and doesn't talk much anymore. Anywho, today we have a day off since Eren has trial today because he can go titan and everyone freaked out I guess. I don't really know honestly, I don't remember much of that day. I just remember him turning into a titan and passing out after getting hit by someone.

Right now I'm just getting ready, I was told that I cant wear my cloak at the trial so everyone gets to see my hair. I sighed as I pulled my silver hair (that was actually recently cut) back out of a small ponytail. I left it down and brushed it to get all of the tangles out of it. I put my jacket on and grabbed my boots off the floor. I sat on my bed and pulled them on and tied them. I heard the door open and looked up to see Mikasa and Sasha with Alice. Sasha ran over to me and jumped on my bed causing me to smile and laugh a little. "Is it true that if Eren gets to live you'll be his watcher basically?" Sasha asked. I froze and coked an eyebrow at her. "I'm sorry? I wasn't told any of that," I said confused. Since when was that a thing? "Well we were told that if Eren is able to live you are his watcher," Mikasa said. I looked at her and stood up after finishing tying my boots. "I wasn't told anything though," I mumbled. Alice looked at me and sighed. "When Eren turned into a titan it was as if something had snapped and you just changed into someone else, you actually controlled him and watched and protected him," Alice said quietly. I tilted my head a little. I did that? I don't remember anything after passing out though.

I just sighed ad shrugged. "I don't know if it's true or not since I don't remember any of that," I said and walked out. I mumbled under my breath and walked over to where I needed to be for the trial and shortly after everyone else showed up and was avoiding eye contact with me since I wasn't really in the best mood. We went into the court room where the Military Police was already at. Jean was standing next to me and elbowed my side. I snapped my head up to him when he did and he just glanced over to the Military police and growled a little. "They're all staring at you as if you're a freak," he said. I smirked a little and he looked at me again and his eyes got big. "Honestly I don't care if they look at me like I'm some freak because of my hair, they're just jealous that they don't have awesome hair like me," I said loud enough for them all to hear. I looked over the Military Police and most of their faces were red and looked down. "You sure it was a good idea for you to say that?" Jean asked. I nodded my head and smiled big up at him. "Yes I'm sure it was a good idea," I said. He chuckled and rolled his eyes and me causing me to giggle.

"You two be quiet, here comes Eren," Mikasa hissed at us. We rolled our eyes and sat up straight as he was escorted in. Shortly after we had to stand up and salute since the judge came in but we sat back down when he said we could. The trial just consisted of the Military Police, the people of the town, and the Scouting Legion arguing. Well until Levi came in. As soon as he came in I froze and stopped breathing. Jean looked at me with worry and got Alice's attention who was on the other side of me. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it pulling me back into reality. I looked at her and shook my head. "Hey it's alright, we're all here," Jean whispered to me. I looked at him and smiled a little but that quickly disappeared as I looked back at Levi and watched him beat Eren up. I guessed I had tuned out everything because the thing I heard was that I had to be with Eren and be his watcher or something like that. "What!? But wait why do I have to be!?" I yelled standing up in complete rage. "You told him what to do and protected him when he was a titan, that's why," Levi said emotionless. I growled at jumped over the bench thing and walked up to him. "And what makes you think I remember any of that? Huh?" I asked him walking up to him. Jean, Mikasa, Armin, and Alice all jumped over as well and held me back from walking over any more.

"Let her go," Levi said. They let me go and we walked up to each other. "Because you're the one who did it since your sister has blonde hair and as far as I can see you're the only brat who has silver hair," he said. I growled more and clenched my fists. "I don't remember though, and until today I thought I had just passed out because I don't remember shit you idiot," I hissed. He kicked his leg up and wet to kick me but all the memories of him doing that to train me when I was little came back and I blocked it and kicked his chest. He growled at me and punched me which caused me to punch back and make us get into a fight. We were pulled back from each other and we just glared at each other. God he's changed so much, I don't even know him anymore.

I got out of the grasps of the ones holding me back and started to walk out when Levi called me. I turned my head to him. "What?" I demanded. "When you get to your living quarters pack your shit up and get your ass over to the Scouting Legion," he said. I rolled my eyes and mumbled a whatever and continue to walk out. But as soon as I opened the door I smirked and turned my head a little. "Hmm you know it seems like Humanity's Greatest Soldier really isn't the greatest soldier and has forgotten everything," I said. I heard him clicked his tongue and just left slamming the door behind me.

I walked out of the court house and walked to the tree I used to go to all the time and climbed up the tree. Once I got to a branch that was comfortably up I sat down with my back against the trunk and just broke down. I honestly couldn't take anymore of the pain that I feel all the time. I'm a slave to my own mind and it sucks, because I always have memories playing in my head, tearing me apart. I don't want to do this anymore, I don't want to be Eren's watcher or whatever it was. I don't want to leave my sister, or my friends. I wasn't done training either but now it seems like I am though. I can't stand this, I can't stand him. I can't stand the fact that he thinks that I can remember everything that happened that day. I can't stand-

"Hey are you just gonna sit up there all day and cry or are you gonna go to your living quarters and get your stuff brat?" I heard a very familiar voice ask. I stopped crying and wiped my eyes and glared down at Levi. I jumped down and walked past him making my shoulder bump into his. He clicked his tongue and grabbed my wrist and turned me so I was looking at him. "I asked you a question," he said. I shrugged and tried to take my wrist away but his grip only got tighter. "Answer my damn question," he demanded. I glared at him and went to punch him but he grabbed my other wrist and pinned me up against the tree causing me to growl at him. "Let me go," I hissed at him. His grip got tighter on my wrists and it was starting o hurt a lot. I bit my lip to prevent myself from screaming out in pain. "Answer my damn question and I will brat," he said. "And if I don't?" I asked. I know I shouldn't be doing this but for some reason I can't stop. "You won't be going anywhere until you do," he said. His emotionless face just made me bite my lip more and remember when we were kids. It made me remember all the times we shared and it made me remember that he did basically abandon me all those years ago.

I smirked a little and let my lip go. "Only if you answer mine," I said. He cocked an eyebrow and loosened his grip on my wrists. "And what is that?" He asked. I got out his grip only for him to blocked me from getting out by putting his arms on either side of me. I sighed and looked down and then looked back up at him. "Why? Why didn't you come that day like you said you would?" I asked. His face became more emotionless (if that's even possible) and I got out his arms. I looked at him and he stayed like he was. "Tch I should've known you wouldn't answer, you always had a habit of doing that," I said. I turned around and walked away back to my living quarters. Once I got there I slammed my door shut and just sat on my bed. I groaned and leaned back making me lay down and just let a few tears slide down my face.

I sighed and sat back up. Might as well pack whatever is mine and head over there I guess. I sighed again and got off my bed and walked over to my trunk and started throwing everything of mine into there. Once I was done I dragged it outside and went and got my horse from the stable. I stroked her mane and she rubbed her head against me causing me to giggle. "We're gonna have a new home girl," I whispered to her. She neighed and looked at me. I smiled a little and got her saddle and stuff and put it on her. I grabbed her reigns and jumped on her and rode her back to my trunk. I got off and attached my trunk to her and got back on her and left. I rode all the way to the Surveying Legion where Levi was waiting for me. I groaned and buried my head into my horse.

I'm not going to enjoy this. Not one bit.

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