Chapter 5: Your Guardian Angel

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-Ada's P.O.V.-

It's been a little while since the incident between Levi and I and tonight we'll be seeing who is joining the Survey Corps. I can't wait to see who chooses this branch, because then I can be away from Levi more. Shortly after the incident (like a week or two after) we ended up coming back to everyone else, so we all stopped staying at the castle. Currently I'm in the room that was assigned to me getting changed into my uniform. There was a mirror in my room so I looked at it as I pulled my boots on and stood up. I don't look the same as I did before, my hair was shorter and choppy. My yellow eyes were bright like they used to be, instead they're dull and hiding secrets behind them. My skin is paler than what it was. I look a lot smaller, I guess due to me not eating as much just so I can avoid Levi. I have a couple of bruises from training in the middle of the night at the castle. My voice is raspy and hoarse since I don't talk as much anymore. Finally my silver hair colour isn't like it used to be. It looks different in a way, completely different. 

I sighed and slipped my jacket on as I looked away from the mirror. I'm not the same person as I used to be, anyone can see that. I don't have a guardian angel like everyone else. no instead it's like I have a demon following me everywhere I go. I don't know how anyone else can have such a good time and I'm cursed with being followed by my past. 

I went to my door and was about to open it when I heard a knock. "Alice, it's me. Levi," I heard the devil himself say. I stayed quiet and looked towards my window. I walked towards it and grabbed my 3D gear and quickly put it on. I opened my window before looking back at the door. I knew he was still there. As soon as he opened the door I turned back around and jumped out of my window and onto the ground. "Alice!" I heard him call as I started to run to where Eren should be. 

When I finally arrived to the place (which was just Hanji's area) I saw both Hanji and Eren talking. I walked up and just listened to them for a moment before they finally noticed me. "Oh hey Alice. How are you feeling today?" Hanji asked. I shrugged and sighed a tiny bit. "Ok I guess," I mumbled with my raspy voice. They both looked at me worriedly. Eren hugged me and I leaned into him a little. When we pulled away, he left one of his arms around me and I just stood there. "Hey Alice do you want to come to the ceremony tonight?" Hanji asked, "I'll make sure you're away from Levi." I nodded and she hugged me. She pulled away and gave me a sad smile. I got out of Eren's grasp and walked away from them when Hanji called out for me to go get some more rest. That's exactly what I did.

I went back into the building and walked up the stairs. I was on the third floor so I had a little to climb. But when I got up there and went to my room, I found Levi inside sitting on my bed. He looked up at me and it seemed as if he had been thinking and crying. He stood up and came towards me. I didn't move though or even look at his face. I felt his arms wrap around me and my face be smushed into him. I couldn't do anything except just stay there as he apologized over and over. It didn't matter though, nothing did. Because in reality I don't exist. I never did. At least that's what my dreams have been telling me. I pulled away from him and stood there. He sighed and I looked down at my feet. 

"Ada I'm sorry, I really am," he said. I didn't say anything and I didn't do anything. He pulled me to him again and hugged me again. This wasn't normal, he wouldn't do this. But I couldn't do anything, I didn't want to. I just wanted to rest, that's it. He was preventing me from doing so. But again I didn't do anything. I started to feel light headed and eventually passed out. I don't know why or how I passed out so soon, or even how long I was out for. But I do know that it was for a very long time.

-Some Time Later-

I woke up from being passed out and looked around. Everything seemed the same but also so different. I wasn't in uniform, I was wearing a white dress. Not a night dress or anything, but a whole dress. I stood up and it felt like I was standing on air. I looked in the mirror and noticed that my silver hair was a lot longer now and shining like it used to. My yellow eyes were bright again and I looked normal once again. I walked up to the mirror and touched the glass. This wasn't a dream, that much was true. But why am I wearing a dress and how do I look liked this again. I looked around my room fro my uniform and saw it clean and laying on my trunk. Dust was covering it though, as if it hasn't been opened in a long time. I walked to my door and locked it right before walking back to my trunk and grabbing my uniform. I took the dress off and quickly put my uniform on. 

I opened my trunk and grabbed a ribbon I had in there and threw my hair up in a ponytail. The dress was thrown on my bed after I put my boots on and walked to my door. I unlocked it and walked out. The hall was empty which was something I never expected actually. I heard yelling from one of the lower floors and followed the voices. It was in the meeting room type room on the first floor. I listened for a little and recognized some of the voices. There was Eren, Erwin, Hanji, Mikasa, Armin and Levi. The others I didn't recognized though. I pushed the door open and walked in. As soon as I walked in, everyone got silent and stared in surprise. I cocked my head to the side confused. "What?" I asked in a soft voice. 

"But how....?" I heard someone whisper, "That's impossible." I looked around at everyone. Some were from the Garrison and the Military Police. Well most were. Almost everyone was in uniform, the only one that wasn't was Levi. He was in a suit with his arm close to him. I looked around at everyone again. I saw the same shocked expression on everyone's face. "Ok can you guys please stop looking at me like that," I growled putting my hand on my hip. Their expressions went away shortly after and it was as if they were trying to find an excuse or something to say. Mikasa, Eren and Armin stood up and they ran over to me. Hanji cleared her throat as they hugged me tightly and we all looked at her. "Well uhhh the doctors they had said uhhh. Short stack help me out," she said quickly looking over at Levi. He sighed and looked at me. "The doctors said that you weren't going to wake up for a long time," he said, "brat." I rolled my eyes at him. 

For someone who was the last thing I saw, he sure has an off attitude. Like more off than normal. "So what exactly is the plan?" I asked. Erwin snapped his head up and looked at me. "Actually you're going to stay here and look after Levi and his hurt leg," he said. I glared at him. "What?" I asked unamused. He repeated himself and explained that it was because I had just woke up and I can't do anything to help out until they know for a fact that I'm better. I rolled my eyes and groaned. I took a seat between Levi and Hanji as the others discussed what was going on. I crossed my arms and legs not bothering to touch the table due to me knowing it hasn't been cleaned in a while. I wasn't paying much attention but the next thing I knew was Sasha was bursting through the door going on about something. "Sasha clam the hell down!" I shouted standing up and walking over to a sack of bread. I grabbed one and tossed it to her which she downed shortly after. 

After she had calmed down she had told us what had happened, everything that had happened. I stood there shocked and looked down. All this happened so quickly. I shakily walked back to my seat and sat down as everyone but Levi started to leave. Once everyone had left it was quiet. It was too quiet and I could feel Levi staring at me. His gaze piercing through me until I finally looked up at him. He still had a bored and cold expression on his face which made it hard to read his emotion. "What?" I mumbled. His expression softened up and he pulled me close to him. "Do you remember what I had told you before you passed out?" He asked. I shook my head, I was confused. He looked down at me and I looked up at him. 

"I promise I'll be your guardian angel."


Hey guys, this is my first author's note I've made on this story which is shocking. But anywho, I just wanted to say that I know this may seem hard to follow and that it may suck but trust me all will be cleared up. It'll still suck but oh well, I'm still trying at least a little bit. Also this story isn't going to be that long and I will be skipping the time some more so please do not get mad. Thank you guys and see in the next part.

~AOT Kitten 

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