Chapter 3: My Demons

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-Ada's P.O.V.-

It didn't take long for me to get yanked away by Eren after I had gotten to the Survey Legion quarters. "Ada what are you doing here?" He asked. "I'm your watcher apparently so I have to be here despite not wanting to be," I mumbled knowing if I talked louder Levi would hear. Eren gave me a confused look until it was as if he remembered the little fight me and Levi had in the courtroom. "So he was the one that forced you to be here?" Eren asked as the devil himself came walking up. "Tch what are you two brats talking about?" He asked. I glared at him and clicked my tongue. "Don't worry about it asshole," I snapped. "Ok maybe I shouldn't have done that," I thought to myself, but it was too late because I was getting shoved into a tree with my wrists pinned down onto the trunk. I growled as Levi looked down at me with the same emotionless face he always has.

"What was that?" He demanded. "I said 'don't worry about it asshole' did you not hear that?" I growled at him. Ok I should really stop now, I've already pissed him enough today, I don't need him more pissed off. But you see the problem is that I can't stop, I'm just too pissed off right now. He let go of my right wrist and his hand went up to slap me. I went to grab his wrist but by the time my hand got up to where his hand was he had already slapped me. My head was turned in the direction his hand went and my eyes were big and my mouth was opened a little bit. He slapped me, and I was too slow. "I did hear you the first time brat," he hissed in my ear, "don't disrespect me again, otherwise it'll be worse and I know you'll be slow once again. You've forgotten everything as well it seem." That just fueled my anger, especially since he thinks I forgot everything. I growled again and turned my head and growled at him again.

"No I haven't asshole, I haven't forgotten shit," I hissed, "you're the small brained egotistical one, not me." He growled at me and went to kick me but I blocked his kick which let me knee him making him let go of my other wrist. As soon as he let go of my other wrist I got out from in front of him and went to the other side of the tree and sighed a little. "And maybe it's you who's too slow," I said as I came back around and walked away with my fists clenched and Eren looking at me in shock and Levi glaring at me.

I went inside the stable with my horse and sighed as I put her up. "I just don't know what to do anymore girl," I said as I brushed her mane. I sighed again and finished her mane and put the brush back in the bag I had. I groaned silently when I heard someone walk up behind me and because the footsteps were light I knew it was Levi. "What the hell could you possibly want?" I asked in a mumble loud enough for him to hear. "I just came to see what you were doing," he said in a bored tone. I rolled my eyes because I knew that wasn't the truth and turned to face him. What I saw shocked me. His face wasn't so emotionless, instead it softened up, and in his hand was a thing of chocolate. "I'm sorry about earlier," he mumbled while looking down. I sighed and walked up to him and lifted his head up.

"Oh Levi," I said while biting my lip, "I know someone sent you to apologize because you never apologize and you know I don't eat a lot of chocolate." He hung his head in shame and I sighed. "Unless it really comes from you I won't forgive you. Especially from when we were younger, you should know that by now," I said. "Yea well I was told this was the best way to apologize to you," he snapped. I glared at him and shook my head. "I'm not gonna keep doing this with you. It's no point, there is no saving anything anymore," I said as I turned around and walked away once again leaving him alone. I heard him say something but I didn't understand so I just kept walking. I'm not gonna waste my time anymore with him, there is no point.

I continued to walk until I got to where I was supposed to be for the night. I shut the door and laid down on the bed in the room that was lit only by the moonlight and groaned. I kicked my boots off and took my jacket off and sat back up. I looked around and saw my trunk in the corner. I guess Eren brought it up here. I got up and walked over to it and grabbed pjs out of it and quickly changed into them. I sighed and played with my hair, its pretty long to be honest. I'm shocked it hasn't gotten caught in my gear actually, but I might as well cut it before it does. I looked around again and saw a pair of scissors on the desk and grabbed them and cut my hair to just below my shoulder. I don't think it was even but right now I don't really care, I'll check it in the morning. I laid back down on my bed but right as I did there was a knock on my door. I groaned loudly and got up and walked up to the door and opened it.

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