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-3rd P.O.V.-

From a distance he could see the silver haired girl and the raven haired boy. They were both very young, the girl being around eight years younger though. There was a darkness that followed the girl though, a terrible darkness. He watched the two play while the darkness got closer and closer to the girl. The man that was watching them couldn't be seen by anyone. He was wearing all black but had white wings. He froze everything and sighed. 

"I've seen how this ends and personally I don't like it. She deserves better than that," he said. He snapped his fingers and the darkness disappeared. The darkness that would've made her sick and would've killed her. He unfroze everything and the girl felt a slight cold breeze go by her. She stopped and looked around her. "Ada what's wrong?" the raven haired boy asked the girl. "Huh oh nothing Levi, I just thought I heard my name," she said smiling big at him. She grabbed his hand and ran off, dragging him the process. Levi chuckled as Ada dragged him back to the underground where they were known. 

The man smiled a little as he watched them disappear in the crowd of people. He thought of the future they will both have and smiled even more. "Now that's a future I like," he whispered before extending his wings. He disappeared in a bright white light that again no one could see. That man that saved the girl wasn't a ghost or anything. No, he was an angel. Her guardian angel. 

Little did either of the two kids that are now in the underground knwo what was to come fot them in the future though. If they had known, they'd be happy. Because after all Levi does end up going into the Survey Corps because of Erwin and Ada joins with Eren and them. They'll end up together but under different curminstances than before. Ada doesn't die and Levi doesn't yell back at her when she gets back to the castle in the forest from being in the forest. He'll let her yell at him until she's calm again and they'll go on from there.

They'll be happy and she won't die from whatever it was that killed her. She won't take a vile from a man that later claims to be her father and she won't be a ghost that has to be let go. Instead she'll live a long life and will be loved by all. Espeically Levi. Because she's been searching for him after he disappearing on her and joining the Survey Corps. She'll finally find the one she's been searching for. 

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