Chapter 6: I Bring The Weather With Me

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-A day ago- 

-Levi's P.O.V.-

I sat by her bed as she just layed there. She was so pale and when I saw her awake last she didn't look like herself. She looked dead. She still does though. Tch, this brat better not die on me also, she means too much to me. When we were little and it would rain that she brought the weather with her. I guess she was right because it's raining now. I sighed and looked up at the doctor that was coming in. I guess it's time for me to leave. I grabbed her hand one last time only to now notice that it was freezing cold. It must be because she's cold right now though. I kissed her hand and let it go afterwards. I stood up and walked out the door and the doctor shut the door behind me. 

I walked back to my office and walked in. I sat at my desk and looked around. It was neat and clean, just like I like it. I looked at the paperwork on my desk and went to work. I don't know how long I was working but it must've been a long time because I heard a knock on the door. "Come in," I said loud enough for whoever on the other side to hear. I looked up form my paperwork to see the doctor with a grim expression. "Captain Levi I have some terrible news," he said. I stood up knowing it was probably about Ada. "Yes. What is it?" I asked getting a little worried but not letting it show. "It's Ada. She's dead," he said. I froze at the sound of that. Ada is dead, but she couldn't be. It's impossible. She's the strongest person I know when it comes to surviving. I ran past him and all the way to Ada's room with him shouting after me. When I got to her room I burst into there to find her more pale than earlier and still laying there with her hand where I had left it. 

I walked over to her and sat down on her bed next to her. "Ada wake up now," I said, "Ada that's an order wake up. You have to wake up." I grabbed her shoulders and started shaking her a little. "Come on Ada you can't be dead, not now. Not already. You've made it this long, please don't die on me now. I just got you back," I said starting to tear up. I started shaking her more as the doctor came into the room and started pulling me away from her with some help of other doctors. "Come brat wake up, wake up!" I yelled. I pulled away from the group of doctors and went to my knees right beside her. "Come on Ada please, wake up. You can't be dead," I said starting to whisper now, "I need you.... I love you." Right after that I was pulled away by the doctors but as I was pulled away I could've sworn I heard her voice. "We are all stars in the sky, we all shimmer then die. So I wonder-did I burn out, make a mark or fade away. Will you miss me when I'm gone? I'm the storm tht never leaves. Will you miss me when I'm gone? I bring the weather with me," the voice said, "Place the pennies on my eyes. I'll sleep with the stars tonight."

That was th elast thing I heard before I was thrown out. The door was slammed shut and a female nurse went into the room shortly after with a white dress. I sat there against the wall and on the dirty floor across the room. It felt like forever before my body automatically made me get up and walked me to my office. Once there I shut and locked my door and dusted myself off. I sat at my chair and looked down at my desk. I started to get mad becuase now she's gone. She burnt out and let go. I forcefully swept everything off my desk out of anger and glared at what I had done. I punched a wall and started to shake. I couldn't believe this. But I should've known that that was going to happen though. She was getting colder everyday and I didn't think twice about it. I sat back down in my chair shaking really hard now. 

How could I be so stupid? Why did I think that everything would be perfectly fine? I should've known that is wassn't going to be. I should've known better. I put my head in my hands until I heard a knock on my door. I straightened up and stood up. "One moment," I told them. I quickly put everything back on my desk in the neatest way before walking over to my door and unlocking it and opening it. I saw Hanji, Eren and Mikasa looking down in sorrow. I guess they were told. "We're sorry Levi. We know how much she meant to you," Eren said. I looked at all three of them and Mikasa's eyes starting tearing up. At that point she walked away and I closed the door on the and went back to my desk. I don't have time for this anymore. I don't need sympathy or anything.

I need to be  stronger, for her. For Ada.

-Present time-

I looked down at her, I was still so confused. How is she alive, she died yesterday. I know she did, so how? How is this possible. I held her closer which made her squeak a little. I almost forgot her squeak. We stayed there though for a little longer until I let her go and stood up. "Come on brat, this table needs cleaning," I said. She cocked her eyebrow at me and I sighed. I had a feeling she didn't see the point but she knew it had to be considering she wouldn't touch it. "No one else is going to clean it so we might as well clean it," I said grabbing a towel and throwing it at her. She shrugged and got  up. She went over to the closet on the other side of the room and grabbed some cleaning spray. She walked over to the table and started cleaning it. It didn't take long for her to clean the whole table though. 

When she was done, she put everything up and just stood there awkwardly. I mentaly sighed at the fact that she had no idea what to do. I walked towards the door and motioned for her to follow. She started to follow and I led her all the way to the garden that Erwin insisted for us to just have. Sometimes I don't understand her. But anyways, when we arrived she froze and I heard her gasp. I turned around and grabbed her hand and led her deeper into the garden. She was in awe as we went deeper into the garden.

I knew she would like this, she always wanted something like this. I smiled faintly as I continued to lead her. This was actually the place I was going to show her if she hadn't well died. I still don't understand how she's alive right now though. I don't care though, I have her now. That's all that matter anymore to me at this moment. When we arrived at the center of the garden I stopped and pulled her close. I wanted this to last forever, I really did. But I knew one day it would have to end.

If I only I knew how soon that would be though. I wouldn't have let her go, I would've took back everything I said before.


Hey guys, me again. I just wanted to tell you that once again there's gonna be a huge skip. But this time it's gonna be to after everything has ended alright. I have like no other ideas for this story and there will only be two more chapters after this. I promise I will make them as long as possible though. Anywho, see you all in the next chapter, bye cx

~AOT Kitten

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