Chapter 11: Old Memories

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“Rina, can you go get the door?” Rina heard her roommate call from the living room. The younger brunette shook her head as she heard the doorbell ring again. Really now, could Haruna have gotten that busy in the few minutes since Rina had left the living room?

When Rina had left the living room, Haruna had been running around it, desperately trying to get ready on time before Tomomi got there as she was running late again. It was Haruna’s own fault for being late anyway. She’d lost track of time when she was messing with her guitar, she hadn’t been paying any attention. Of course, Rina could have reminded her of what time it was and she probably should have, but she never did. In truth, Rina didn’t really want Haruna to leave tonight. If she left, that meant she would have time to be alone with Tomomi and being alone with Tomomi meant that the two girls had time to grow closer. She knew it was wrong to purposefully let Haruna be late but she couldn’t help it.

Rina didn’t want them getting any closer, and it was all for Haruna’s own sake really. The closer she got, the more hurt she would get when Tomomi turned her back on Haruna. It would happen, Rina knew it would. Haruna had only strayed away from her one time before and she’d gotten so hurt when she had done it. Rina knew that Haruna couldn’t have forgotten that, so she didn’t understand why Haruna was straying away from her again. Hadn’t she learned her lesson? Couldn’t she see that Rina was the only one for her?

Rina sat down the knife onto the countertop, walking away from the vegetables she had busied herself cutting. She didn’t cook very often, usually only on special occasions, but she thought that tonight was as good as any to try it again. In a way, Rina was almost hoping that Haruna would decide to stay home if she knew Rina was cooking, Haruna did always seem to enjoy her cooking. Sure, that would mean Tomomi would stay with them but she’d take that over them being alone. But with the doorbell ringing, Rina knew the chances of Haruna staying home were getting slimmer and slimmer by the second.

Rina poked her head out of the kitchen doorway, frowning when she saw Haruna sitting on the couch, digging through her purse. She was right; Haruna wasn’t really doing anything of importance. She just didn’t want to go answer the door even though it was probably for her anyway.

“Why can’t you go get it?” Rina asked suddenly. Haruna turned around to look at her, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

“I’m still getting ready,” she pointed out. Rina could see a small smile ghost across Haruna’s face. Haruna was already enjoying this. If she wanted to play that game then Rina could play it to, she had learned a lot from knowing Haruna all these years.

“And I’m cooking, which I feel is a bit more important since I’m using the stove and all. Wouldn’t want to burn down the house now, would we?” Rina countered her, a smile coming onto her own face. Haruna stared at her for a while before her smile grew, a small laugh following it.

“You’re getting better at this,” Haruna complimented as she pushed herself off the couch. She tossed her purse onto the couch, walking past a smiling Rina. Satisfied, Rina retreated back into the kitchen to finish her preparations.

There was still a small part of her that hoped it wouldn’t be Tomomi at the door, but Rina also knew how little of a chance that was. The only two people who ever came over anymore at this time of night were Mami or Tomomi, and Mami was busy doing whatever it was that she was doing. Rina didn’t bother to ask when she’d talked to Mami earlier.

Although right now, Rina was wishing she hadn’t let her anger get the better of her. Maybe if she had actually tried to talk Mami into coming over tonight, she’d feel a bit better about Haruna and Tomomi spending the night together… Or maybe she’d just feel worse since this was Mami’s doing and all. She didn’t really know how she’d feel if Mami were actually here with her right now. All she really knew was that she didn’t fancy the idea of being alone.

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