Chapter 39: Departure

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Tomomi couldn’t control the giddiness that flowed through her body. It had been two weeks since Haruna had woken up and every day since she had, Tomomi had made sure to visit Haruna and keep checking up on her. She felt fear at first that Haruna’s health would decline but as the days passed, Haruna continued to get better and in what felt like no time, the nurses said she was fine to go home. She was confined to a wheelchair and not allowed to be standing for more than fifteen minutes at a time and had to keep coming back for checkups but she was still well enough to go home. If she continued to improve, she would be back to her old self in no time.

Mami and Tomomi had just finished a few hour long visit to the hospital to help Haruna complete everything she needed for her discharge. Tomomi was still signed on as her legal caretaker; her parents knew they wouldn’t be able to give Haruna the care she needed and as much as they wanted to help, Tomomi was the better option for their daughter. When Tomomi left the hospital with Haruna, it didn’t feel like reality to her. She had been so unduly scared that she wouldn’t be leaving with Haruna, at least not with Haruna alive.

There were no words that Tomomi knew that could express her happiness when Haruna called her to tell her they were going to let her be discharged that day. She was nearly bouncing off the walls when she called Mami and practically ordered the blonde to get to her house as soon as possible so they could head to the hospital together. Haruna’s parents had already been at the hospital by the time the duo arrived.

Now here they were, just outside of Tomomi’s apartment as the clumsy brunette fumbled with her keys. It was hard for her to get the keys into the lock when she was still being so overcome with emotion. She eventually got the key into the hole, turning it and pushing the door open. She pushed the keys back into her pocket and skipped into the house before stepping aside so Mami could help Haruna into the house. Haruna still had a bit of a sour look on her face; she was still displeased with the news that she still had to rely on other people to do practically everything for her. Leaving the hospital in a wheelchair was not exactly something Haruna had had in mind. Despite that though, Haruna was more than happy to finally be out of there and back home with Tomomi.

She did worry about Tomomi. She and Tomomi were both told by the nurses what would be needed to keep Haruna healthy and it worried Tomomi. It would be a lot of work and a lot of care; Haruna didn't want to be a burden on Tomomi. She didn't want to end up driving Tomomi away because she was too incapable to take care of herself. She certainly wouldn't blame Tomomi if she did leave though...

"We should get Haruna onto the couch, I'm sure she'd like to rest," Haruna's mother spoke and interrupted the brunette's thoughts. She looked between her mother and Tomomi who nodded to the suggestion. Her girlfriend came over to her, extending a hand out and giving her a small smile.

"Come on," Tomomi said in a gentle tone. Haruna reached out gradually, happy when she found she could move her limbs even better now. She grabbed onto Tomomi's hand, taking a deep breath to steady herself for the pain. The nurses had forced her to get up and walk many times over the last few weeks and it never failed to hurt. They always told her the pain would gradually go away with more movement but somehow, Haruna didn't believe them as the pain seared through her whenever she got to her feet.

Tomomi nodded her head and gently gave Haruna a small pull. Haruna used her other hand to help get herself up. Once she stood, she could feel her upper body bend, the action irritating the wound. She groaned softly, falling into Tomomi and only groaning again at the pain that came from the impact. Tomomi reacted instantly and managed to catch Haruna.

She wrapped her arms around her girlfriend who muttered a soft 'damn it' under her breath. She knew how the independent Haruna must be feeling to have to so heavily rely on another person, even if that person was her own girlfriend. Tomomi led her girlfriend over to the couch, helping her to lie down. She smiled weakly at the breath of relief Haruna let out as her body uncurled itself again. Tomomi was beginning to see that Haruna felt fine as long as nothing touched the wound or put too much strain on it. At the moment, walking still seemed to put a strain onto Haruna.

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