Chapter 29: Truths

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Haruna’s body jolted forward, the sweat dotting her forehead as her breathing remained heavy. Her eyes looked around her room frantically, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. She could feel the pounding in her head that told her she had probably not gotten enough sleep. Her eyelids still felt heavy but she refused to succumb to the sleep again. She knew she had heard a high pitched scream. What she didn’t know if it was real or not. It felt lucid to her, she couldn’t tell if it had been in her dreams or actually happened in reality. The two were blending together for Haruna at the moment.

The older girl’s eyes looked around the room again only to see that besides her, it was completely empty. Where had Rina gotten off to? She was sure that Rina was still in the room when she had fallen asleep. Haruna shook her head slowly before pushing herself off the bed. She groaned softly, the sudden movement having brought a wave of nausea over her.

Haruna stumbled back a bit, holding herself up with the bed as she waited for the bought of nausea to pass. When it did, she straightened herself out again, shaking her head once more before setting off out of the room. She carried herself down the hallway slowly, not wanting to be overcome with that sickly feeling again. As she got further, the brunette could hear the shouting begin.

“I am not hurting Haruna!” It didn’t even take the eldest girl a millisecond to recognize the voice. She knew right away that it belonged to Rina; she would always be able to recognize the young girl’s voice. “I am trying to protect her from you!”

Haruna didn’t hear the response that had been given to Rina’s response. She didn’t know what was said and she didn’t know who had said it. She hadn’t heard any response really, but she knew there had been one from the way Rina had paused. Haruna’s footsteps had picked up when she heard Rina’s shouting. She could feel the nausea coming back to her at the quickened pace but she failed to care. She was more concerned about getting to Rina than she was with what happened to herself.

The eldest girl made her way into the kitchen where she had been sure she had heard the shouting come from. When she got into the kitchen though, her once rapid footsteps came to a complete halt. Her breathing stalled in throat as she gazed at the scene in front of her and a new wave of nausea hitting her.

On the floor of the kitchen laid Tomomi. The brunette had one arm holding up her shaking body while her other hand was pressed tightly against her cheek. Haruna could see the blood seeping through Tomomi’s fingers and rolling down her arm until it splashed onto the tiled floor. Her hand was no match for the amount of blood pouring itself from the wound. Tomomi’s body was wracked up sob after sob, the brunette being unable to calm herself down. Haruna could feel the nausea hit her anew; she could barely stand the sight of the blood that dripped from her girlfriend.

Haruna gulped nervously before she shifted her eyes upwards. She could see Rina standing over Tomomi, her breathing clearly heavy and a bloodied knife clutched in her hand. Rina had her head down so her hair covered and darkened the expression on her face. Haruna stood motionless, helpless to do anything. Her body and her mind were too shocked to do anything.

“I’ve tried for years to keep her safe and you’re ruining that… She was supposed to end up happy with me but you took her away. You’re responsible for everything!” After her words, Rina raised the knife above her head. This sudden movement of Rina’s snapped Haruna out of her shock, forcing the brunette to jump into action.

“Rina!” Haruna screamed. She ran forward, her hands grabbing onto Rina’s wrist. The smaller girl pushed her full body weight against Rina, forcing the two of them to stumble backwards. Rina quickly lost her footing and the two roommates went tumbling to the floor. The young girl groaned softly when she felt her back hit the floor before feeling Haruna’s entire weight press itself against her body to keep her held down.

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